- Addition of Gaussian smoothing, using the astropy convolution function. This is available through the 'convolve' option in the Signal tab. The standard deviation of the Gaussian can be changed typing `plotview.smooth=<n>` in the shell, where `n` is the number of pixels (2 by default).
- Support for symmetric color maps, in which the minimum signal value is fixed to the negative of the maximum. These are invoked by choosing one of the divergent color maps, which are now separated at the bottom of the color map menu in the Signal tab. The `linthresh` and `linscale` parameters can be set by calling `plotview.symlog(<linthresh>, <linscale>, <vmax>)` in the shell. Calling `symlog` without any parameters resets the defaults (`linthresh=vmax/10`, `linscale=0.1`).
- Z-axis values now set to values closest to 0 when selecting the default slice for a 3- or higher-dimensional plot, _i.e._, with symmetric axes, the z-axis values will default to the middle. In our experience, this is nearly always preferable to the old default of plotting the zero-index slice.
- New 'Set Default' menu item, which allows default data and/or entry groups to be selected for subsequent plotting. This uses the 'default' attribute on the NXdata or NXentry groups, as defined by the NeXus standard.
- Configuration of grid colors and lifestyles in the Customize Panel.
- Addition of a new 'Import Image' option, for importing image files that contain RGBA data, _e.g._, JPEG or PNG files.
- Allow addition of attributes to groups in the 'Add Data' dialog.
Bug Fixes
- Fixes a bug in setting the limits with infinities in the data.
- Fixes bugs with changing and skewing axes.
- Fixes problems caused by the failure of Matplotlib to update the colorbar ticks and label formatting when the 2D image normalization is changed, _e.g._, to log scaling.
- Fixes a bug with the 'Change Plot Limits' menu item.