* Opens a projection panel when releasing a rectangle dragged with the right-mouse-button depressed. The rectangle sets the projection limits. Right-clicking without dragging still resets the plot limits to the original plot limits.
* Adds support for displaying legends, and selecting which data are included, in the Customize plot dialog. The labels can be toggled between full file paths and field names.
* Improves the selection of axes for fields that are not default signals in a group. The default axes will be chosen if the dimensions are compatible, making it easier to overplot multiple signals.
* Adds support for the experimental NeXus method of defining auxiliary signals within a one-dimensional NXdata group. If the group attribute `auxiliary_signals` contains field names that share the same axis as the default signal, a new `Plot All Signals` menu item will display all the signals with a legend.
* Adds support for minor grids. The keyboard shortcuts, 'g' and 'G' toggle displays of the grid, with the former adding minor gridlines.
* Adds a `Collapse Tree` menu item.
* Saves fits to a NXprocess group, rather than an NXentry group, with the addition of time stamps.
* Adds a `save_fit` function to the Fit class, to be used to save fits that are performed in scripts.
* Adds a more accurate version of the pseudo-Voigt approximation to the fitting functions.
* Allows setting minimum values that are greater than the maximum in the limit text boxes (x-axis, y-axis, etc.). The maximum value is automatically set to the maximum possible value for the x- and y-tabs, or the same as the minimum value in the z-tab.
* Fixes a bug that prevents NeXpy from launching on some Windows installations.