- This is the first version to attempt compatibility with both PyQt4 and PySide. This has been tested on a limited number of systems, so please report any problems and we will attempt to fix them quickly. If you have a broken version of PySide in your Python repository, as well as a working version of PyQt4, please uninstall PySide to ensure the correct package is selected. PyQt4 is the default for Anaconda distributions, while PySide is the default for Enthought/Canopy distributions.
- The underlying API used by NeXpy to read and write NeXus/HDF5 files is now contained within a separate package, `nexusformat`, that is listed as a dependency. It should therefore automatically install the new package if you do `pip install --upgrade nexpy`. If you install NeXpy using setup.py, please make sure to install the nexusformat package (https://github.com/nexpy/nexusformat) first.
- Editing the textboxes representing the minimum and maximum values of the axis sliders will now reset the slider range. This can be used to increase the sensitivity of the sliders or expand their range beyond the data limits. Clicking the `Home` button or right-clicking on the plot will restore the original limits.
- Changed syntax of NeXpy plugin menus. This was required to ensure compatibility of PyQt4 and PySide version. Additional helper functions have been provided, so that simple dialogs can be created without any knowledge of PyQt.
- Removed the restriction on link names. At one time, NeXus required links to have the same name as their targets, but this restriction was lifted a few years ago and NeXpy now allows it.
- Improved the plotting of data with reversed axes. These are now plotted in the original direction stored within the NeXus file, but the axes can be flipped by a checkbox in the axis tabs. Note that the slider directions do not change.
- Made the Matplotlib `log` option the default, rather than `symlog`, when plotting with log scales. This can produce unexpected results when the values are very small. The `symlog` option can still be chosen from the shell using `plotview.ax.set_yscale('symlog')`.
- Made it the default for Matplotlib axes not to use an offset in their tick labels. This can cause problems over a small range of very large values. This option can be changed by typing `plotview.offsets = True` or `False` in the shell.
- Improved plotting of data containing infinities.
- Fixed bug when a new z-plane is plotted with reduced axis limits without loading the whole plane.