* Adds support for plotting weighted data. If a weights array, [as defined by the NeXus standard](https://manual.nexusformat.org/datarules.html), is present, a new "Plot Weighted Data" option will plot the signal divided by the weights.
* Adds support for adjusting the aspect ratio when `aspect=equal` is selected. If the axis field has an attribute named `scaling_factor`, its value is used to correct for the absolute values of the axis units. This is useful for axes which represent lattice vectors or reciprocal lattice vectors, whose values are multiples of unit cell parameters.
* Adds support for applying a skew angle when `aspect=equal` is selected. If a NXdata group of rank 3 has a group attribute named `angles`, the values are used to define the skew angle between two axes when the corresponding value is not 90°. For example, if the `angles` attribute is set to `(90.0, 70.0, 90.0)`, a skew angle is applied to plots where the x-axis and y-axis are dimensions 0 and 2, respectively.
* Adds a new "Open Startup Script" option to the Script menu to allow the startup script to be edited.
* Adds the option to select the available Matplotlib styles in the "Edit Preferences" dialog. A new "Publication" style, with enlarged fonts, is added to the list.
* Adds support for customizing the color of "bad" pixels in the Customize Panel.
* Adds a new NXPlotView function function, `mpl_plot`, which reproduces the current plot, preserving its formatting and legends, in a Pyplot axis, to facilitate its inclusion in Matplotlib layouts created by, e.g., `subplots` and `GridSpec`.
* Removes NeXus files from the tree if they are in a remote directory that is no longer accessible.
* Removes the legacy Pseudo-Voigt function in favor of the model provided by the [LMfit](https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/) package.
* Fixes a bug where file locks are not cleared when shutting down NeXpy.
* Fixes a bug through which a panel opened in a plot's Projection Tab is linked to a different plot.