- Adds the ability to plot in 2D with skewed axes, _i.e._, where the x and y axes are not orthogonal. This is important when reciprocal space data are stored in a mesh that is diagonal in (_h,k,l_), but the unit cell has non-orthogonal axes.
- A new "Customize Panel" replaces the default Matplotlib edit dialog, with fields tailored to NeXpy. For 2D plots, the skew angle, aspect ratio, and grid options can be set in the panel. For 1D plots, marker and line styles can be modified.
- Redefines the default color map to use the forthcoming Matplotlib default, 'viridis'. This is one of four new perceptually linear color maps that render intensity variations with less distortion.
- Right-clicking on a plot restores the axis limits without resetting the signal limits. Signal limits can be reset by clicking on the Home button in the options tab.
- Fixes an incompatibility with the new Jupyter Console, which prevented the shell from editing multiline code.
- Fixes an incompatibility with Matplotlib v1.5.0, which prevented rectangular zooms from working.
- Fixes an incompatibility with lmfit-py v0.9.0, which prevented 1D fits from working.
- Fixes a Windows bug where the plotting tabs had zero height.
- Handles missing imports more sensibly.
- Adds the .cxi extension to the list of recognized files in the default Open dialog.