
Latest version: v3.49.4

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* Support for One-way TLS Connections in Database service

* Support for creating autonomous database and clones on shared infrastructure that do not require mTLS

* ``oci db autonomous-database create --is-mtls-connection-required false``

* Support for updating autonomous database and clones on shared infrastructure to not require mTLS

* ``oci db autonomous-database update --is-mtls-connection-required false``

* Support to check if an autonomous database on shared infrastructure requires mTLS, with added field isMtlsRequired

* ``oci db autonomous-database get --autonomous-database-id <ocid>``

* Support to get connection string profiles for an autonomous database on shared infrastructure, with added field profiles in connectionStrings

* ``oci db autonomous-database get --autonomous-database-id <ocid>``

* Support for Server side encryption using object specific KMS key in Object Storage Service

* New parameter --opc-sse-kms-key-id has been added to the below commands for passing kms key id

* ``oci os object put --opc-sse-kms-key-id <target_key_id>``
* ``oci os object copy --opc-sse-kms-key-id <target_key_id>``

* Allow filter based on operating system family and sort by operating system name in JMS service

* ``oci jms application-usage summarize --os-family --sort-by``
* ``oci jms installation-usage summarize --os-family --sort-by``
* ``oci jms jre-usage summarize --os-family --sort-by``
* ``oci jms managed-instance-usage summarize --os-family --sort-by``

* Support for using Network Security Groups with API Gateway service

* ``oci api-gateway gateway create --network-security-group-ids``
* ``oci api-gateway gateway update --network-security-group-ids``

* Support for Network Security Groups in Functions service

* ``oci fn application create --network-security-group-ids``

* Support for a new parameter ``image-policy-config`` for Applications in Functions service

* ``oci fn application create --image-policy-config``
* ``oci fn application update --image-policy-config``

* Support for a new optional field "messageFormat" which will enable customers to chose the format of alert message while creating and updating alarms in Monitoring service

* ``oci monitoring alarm create --message-format``
* ``oci monitoring alarm update --message-format``

* Support for DataSafe User and Security Assessment features in Data Safe service

* ``oci data-safe security-assessment``
* ``oci data-safe user-assessment``

* Support for upto micro-second precision for datatime parameters

* [BREAKING] Remove redundant request-summarized operations.

* ``oci jms application-usage request-summarized``
* ``oci jms installation-usage request-summarized``
* ``oci jms jre-usage request-summarized``
* ``oci jms managed-instance-usage request-summarized``

* Fixed bug in Management Dashborad service
* ``oci management-dashboard dashboard export``



* Interactive command for instance principal authentication setup for an existing Compute instance

* ``oci setup instance-principal``

* Support for browser-based config file creation for CLI commands that are run with a nonexistent config file and api_key auth

* Support for --region, --config-location, and --profile-name options for browser-based CLI config file creation

* ``oci setup bootstrap --region --config-location --profile-name``

* Support for Shielded Instances in the Compute service

* ``oci compute measured-boot-report``

* Support for ML Jobs in the Data Science service

* ``oci data-science job``
* ``oci data-science job-run``
* ``oci data-science job-shape``



* Support for scheduled jobs in Database Management service

* Create scheduled jobs for managed databases

* ``oci database-management job``

* Update a schedule job

* ``oci database-management job update``

* Get summary of job execution status

* ``oci database-management job-executions-status summarize``

* Support for a unified way of managing both external and cloud databases in the Database Management service

* Create private endpoints to be used for managing Cloud databases as part of Database Management service

* ``oci database-management private-endpoint``

* List databases that are managed using specified private endpoint

* ``oci database-management associated-database-summary list-associated-databases``

* Get metrics for a specified Pluggable Database (PDB) managed by Database Management service

* ``oci database-management pdb-metrics``

* Get health metrics for a fleet of databases filtered by database deployment type and database version

* ``oci database-management fleet-health-metrics``

* Support for using Secrets for executing a SQL job in Database Management service

* ``oci database-management job``

* Filter Managed Databases by their deployment type and management option

* ``oci database-management managed-database``

* Support for enable, disable, modify in Database Management service

* ``oci db database enable-database-management``
* ``oci db database disable-database-management``
* ``oci db database modify-database-management``

* Support for getting the detailed log content of a job in the Resource Manager service

* ``oci resource-manager job get-job-detailed-log-content``

* Support for ``--max-wait-seconds``, ``--wait-for-state``, ``--wait-interval-seconds`` to Management Dashboard service

* ``oci management-dashboard dashboard change-compartment``
* ``oci management-dashboard saved-search change-compartment``


* Support for terraform advanced options (detailed log level, refresh, and parallelism) on jobs in the Resource Manager service

* ``oci resource-manager job create-plan-job --terraform-advanced-options``
* ``oci resource-manager job create-apply-job --terraform-advanced-options``
* ``oci resource-manager job create-destroy-job --terraform-advanced-options``

* Support for forced cancellation when cancelling jobs in the Resource Manager service

* ``oci resource-manager job cancel --is-forced``

* Updated fallback virtualenv url in install.py script

* Updated install.py for "root" user to be able to install cli on ubuntu without sudo.


* Prompt to create a config file with a profile using API key pair authentication if a CLI command is run with a nonexistent config file and api_key auth

* Support for Oracle Analytics Cloud and OCI Vault integration on connections in Data Catalog service

* ``oci data-catalog data-asset parse-connection --wallet-secret-id, --wallet-secret-name``

* Support for critical event monitoring in the OS Management service

* ``oci os-management event``
* ``oci os-management managed-instance install-all-updates --update-type``
* ``oci os-management managed-instance install-all-windows-updates --update-type``
* ``oci os-management managed-instance-group install-all-updates``
* ``oci os-management scheduled-job list --is-restricted``
* ``oci os-management update-managed-instance-details update-managed-instance``
* ``oci os-management work-request-summary``

* Modified supported version for the following package: arrow (>=1.0.0), cryptography (>=3.2.1, <=3.4.7)

* Configparser has been removed from the requirements


* Support to generate recommended vm cluster network and create vm cluster network with given customer listener port in the Database service

* ``oci db exadata-infrastructure generate-recommended-vm-cluster-network --scan-listener-port-tcp, --scan-listener-port-tcp-ssl``
* ``oci db vm-cluster-network create --scans``

* Prompt to create a config file with a CLI session profile if a CLI command is run with a nonexistent config file and --auth security_token

* Prompt to re-authenticate a CLI session profile if a CLI command is run with an expired session token and --auth security_token

* Modified supported versions for the following packages: cryptography (>3.2.1, <=3.4.7), click (7.1.2).


* Support for identifying Management Agent hosts eligible to create Operations Insights Host resources on

* ``oci opsi host-insights list-importable-agent-entities``

* Support for summarize-agen-counts and summarize-plugin-counts in Management Agent service

* ``oci management-agent agent summarize-agent-counts``
* ``oci management-agent agent summarize-plugin-counts``

* Support for additional filters when listing management agents in Management Agent service

* ``oci management-agent agent list --availability-status, --host-id, --is-customer-deployed``


* Modified supported versions for the following packages: six (>=0.15.0).

* Check the bucket exists before bulk and sync operations in Object Storage service

* ``oci os object bulk-upload``
* ``oci os object bulk-download``
* ``oci os object sync``

* Session authentication now has no private key passphrase prompt by default; private key passphrase can be provided by running session authenticate with --use-passphrase option

* ``oci session authenticate``

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