* Support for Autonomous Database (Dedicated) features as part of the Database Service
* ``oci db autonomous-container-database``
* ``oci db autonomous-database``
* ``oci db maintenance-run``
* ``oci db autonomous-exadata-infrastructure``
* Support for specifying bootVolumeSizeInGBs parameter during creation of instance config in the Compute Management service.
* ``oci compute-management instance-configuration create --instance-details``
* \*NIX installer, install.sh, supports more options for non-interactive installations.
* ``./install.sh --accept-all-defaults --python-install-location <dir> --optional-features [db] --install-dir <dir> --exec-dir <dir> --update-path-and-enable-tab-completion --rc-file-path <file-path> --oci-cli-version <version> --help``
* Windows installer, install.ps1, supports more options for non-interactive installations.
* ``.\install.ps1 -AcceptAllDefaults -PythonInstallLocation <dir> -OptionalFeatures [db] -UpdatePathAndEnableTabCompletion -OciCliVersion <version>``
* The installer no longer checks for required native dependencies on linux systems.
* The installer no longer requires /dev/tty for non-interactive installations.