* Support to allow update of class name, file URI, language and spark version of an existing application in the Data Flow service
* ``oci data-flow application update --class-name, --file-uri, --language, --spark-version``
* Support for enabling and disabling the pod security policy admission controller in the Container Engine Service
* ``oci ce cluster create | update --options '{"admissionControllerOptions": {"isPodSecurityPolicyEnabled": true}}'``
* Support for Cross Region Replication in the Object Storage Service
* ``oci os replication create-replication-policy``
* ``oci os replication delete-replication-policy``
* ``oci os replication get-replication-policy``
* ``oci os replication list-replication-policies``
* ``oci os replication list-replication-sources``
* ``oci os replication make-bucket-writable``
* Support for Retention Rules in the Object Storage Service
* ``oci os retention-rule``
* Support for Big Data service
* ``oci bds``
* Support for Secrets and Vault service
* ``oci secrets``
* ``oci vault``
* Bug where checking the status of the boot volume backup copy operation would fail
* ``oci bv boot-volume-backup copy``
* The following operations within the Data Transfer Service
* ``oci dts export configure-physical-appliance`` is now idempotent
* Prompt requiring user confirmation when region values are different in config and config_upload_user in the following commands
* ``oci dts job create``
* ``oci dts physical-appliance finalize``
* Perform deep-search and return additional appliance information instead of only appliance-label
* ``oci dts job show``
* User credentials validation step and check to determine if the specified bucket belongs to the specified compartment. Introduced new optional argument.
* ``oci dts job create --skip-upload-user-check``