
Latest version: v3.50.3

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Not secure
* Support for Cluster Networks as part of the Compute Management Service

* ``oci compute-management cluster-network``

* Made session token file permissions restricted to the file owner only.

* CVE-2017-18342 - In PyYAML before 4.1, the yaml.load() API could execute arbitrary code. In other words, yaml.safe_load is not used.


Not secure
* Support for Dedicated Virtual Machine Host feature as a part of the Compute Service.

* ``oci compute dedicated-vm-host``
* ``oci compute dedicated-vm-host-instance``

* Support for using resource groups in Monitoring Service.

* ``oci monitoring alarm create --resource-group [text]``
* ``oci monitoring alarm update --resource-group [text]``
* ``oci monitoring metric list --resource-group [text]``
* ``oci monitoring metric-data summarize-metrics-data --resource-group [text]``


Not secure
* Support for kms encryption of file system in the File Storage Service.

* ``oci fs file-system create --kms-key-id``
* ``oci fs file-system update --kms-key-id``

* Support for an option to set up archiving to Object Storage in the Streaming Service.

* ``oci streaming admin archiver``

* Support for interacting with the resource limits of a specific resource type in the Limits Service.

* ``oci limits definition list``
* ``oci limits resource-availability get``
* ``oci limits service list``
* ``oci limits value list``

* Support for ETag on Streaming Resources.

* ``oci streaming admin stream delete --if-match``
* ``oci streaming admin stream update --if-match``

* Support for change of compartments for Public IP, Dhcp Options, Local Peering Gateway, Internet Gateway, Network Security Group (nsg) resources in the Networking Service.

* oci network internet-gateway change-compartment --compartment-id, --ig-id
* oci network dhcp-options change-compartment --compartment-id, --dhcp-id
* oci network local-peering-gateway change-compartment --compartment-id, --local-peering-gateway-id
* oci network nsg change-compartment --compartment-id, --nsg-id
* oci network public-ip change-compartment --compartment-id, --public-ip-id

* Support for AddressLists resource management in the WAF Policy Service:

* ``oci waas address-list``

* Support for clearing cached resources in Edge nodes in the WAF Policy Service.

* ``oci waas purge-cache --waas-policy-id, --resources``

* Support for Cache control in WAF Policy Service

* ``oci waas caching-rule list``
* ``oci waas caching-rule update``

* Support for Custom Protection Rule resource management in the WAF Policy Service.

* ``oci waas customer-protection-rule``
* ``oci waas waas-policy custom-protection-rule list``

* Improve support for WAF Policy settings by introducing new options in the WAF Policy Service.

* ``oci waas policy-config update --cipher-group, --client-address-header, --force, --is-behind-cdn, --is-cache-control-respected, --is-origin-compression-enabled, --is-response-buffering-enabled, --tls-protocols``

* Improve support for WAF Policy by introducing custom-protection-rule usage configuration in the WAF Policy Service.

* ``oci waas waas-policy custom-protection-rule list --waas-policy-id, --action, --all-pages, --mod-security-rule-id``

* Improve support for WAF Policy sercice by introducing new Origin Groups option in the WAF Policy Service.

* ``oci waas waas-policy create --origin-groups``
* ``oci waas waas-policy update --origin-groups``

* Improve support for WAF config in WAF Policy service by introducing options for caching-rules, custom-protection-rules and origin-groups in the WAF Policy Service.

* ``oci waas waf-config update --caching-rules, --custom-protection-rules, --origin-groups``

* Launching database system with --auto-backup-enabled and --recovery-window-in-days options in the Database Service.

* ``oci db system launch --auto-backup-enabled and --recovery-window-in-days``

* os bulk-delete did not print long object names that ended with slash


Not secure
* Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the Zurich region (``--region eu-zurich-1``)

* Support for Data Transfer Service

* ``oci dts``

* JSON input generation for certain commands

* Help text for certain commands was displaying required parameters as optional

* Links to GitHub examples are being updated in the changelog itself.

* [Breaking] Changes to response structure for certain WAF commands

* ``oci waas``


Not secure
* Support for Enabling IPV6 support in the networking service:

* ``oci network ipv6 list --subnet-id``
* ``oci network ipv6 get --ipv6-id``
* ``oci network ipv6 update --ipv6-id``
* ``oci network ipv6 delete --ipv6-id``

* Support for IPV6 load balancers by providing ``--ip-mode`` option for the load-balancer create command.

* ``oci lb load-balancer create --ip-mode``

* Support for private IPv6 addressing to establish the BGP peering for FastConnect Service.

* Adding oracleBgpPeeringIpv6 and customerBgpPeeringIpv6 fields to JSON object CrossConnectMappings (``oci network virtual-circuit create --cross-connect-mappings``)

* Dependency on httpsig_cffi package

* Check for service directory import to include 'dist-packages'


Not secure
* Support for calling Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services in the Mumbai region (``--region ap-mumbai-1``)

* Support for change of compartments for WAF policy and Certificate resources in WAF Policy Service.

* ``oci waas waas-policy change-compartment --waas-policy-id --compartment-id``
* ``oci waas certificate change-compartment --certificate-id --compartment-id``

* Support for change of compartments for Customer Premise Equipment (CPE), IPSecConnection, Cross connect group, Cross connect, Remote Peering Connection (RPC) and Virtual Circuit resources in the Networking service.

* ``oci network cpe change-compartment --cpe-id --compartment-id``
* ``oci network ip-sec-connection change-compartment --ip-sec-connection-id --compartment-id``
* ``oci network cross-connect-group change-compartment --cross-connect-group-id --compartment-id``
* ``oci network cross-conenct change-compartment --cross-connect-id --compartment-id``
* ``oci network remote-peering-connection change-compartment --remote-peering-connection-id --compartment-id``
* ``oci network virtual-circuit change-compartment --virtual-circuit-id --compartment-id``

* Support for Events Service

* ``oci events``
* An example on using the Events Service can be found on `GitHub <https://github.com/oracle/oci-cli/blob/master/services/events/examples_and_test_scripts/events_example.sh>`__.

* Support for adding tags to Cross connect group, Cross connect, Remote Peering Connection and Virtual Circuit resources in the Networking Service.

* ``oci network cross-connect-group create --defined-tags --freeform-tags``
* ``oci network cross-connect-group update --defined-tags --freeform-tags``
* ``oci network cross-connect create --defined-tags --freeform-tags``
* ``oci network cross-connect update --defined-tags --freeform-tags``
* ``oci network remote-peering-connection create --defined-tags --freeform-tags``
* ``oci network remote-peering-connection update --defined-tags --freeform-tags``
* ``oci network virtual-circuit create --defined-tags --freeform-tags``
* ``oci network virtual-circuit update --defined-tags --freeform-tags``

* Support for moving streams into a different compartment in Streaming service

* ``oci streaming admin stream change-compartment [OPTIONS]``

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