
Latest version: v3.50.3

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Not secure
* Support for sparse diskgroup option with Exadata shape in the following command:

* ``oci db system launch``

* Support for Data Guard on VM DB Shape

* Support create option with-new-db-system along with from-existing-db-system

* ``oci db data-guard-association create with-new-db-system``

* Support for tagging Zones in the DNS service.

* Block Storage paravirtualized-encryption-in-transit feature

* Ability to enable encryption-in-transit for paravirtualized volume attachment for both boot volumes and data volumes (``oci compute volume-attachment attach-paravirtualized-volume``)

* Support for resetting idp scim client as part of Identity Service.

* ``oci iam scim-client-credentials reset-idp-scim-client --identity-provider-id``

* Support for updating user capabilities as part of Identity Service.

* ``oci iam user update-user-capabilities --user-id``

* Support for listing identity provider groups as part of Identity Service.

* ``oci iam identity-provider-group list``

* New Attribute ``is-latest-for-major-version`` is included in (``oci db version list``) response

* pyOpenSSL was upgraded to version 17.5.0 and cryptography to version 2.1.4 to address a vulnerability identified on GitHub as CVE-2018-1000808.


Not secure
* Support for fetching bucket statistics in Object Storage getBucket service.

* ``oci os bucket get --bucket-name --namespace-name --fields``
* An example on using the feature can be found on `GitHub <https://github.com/oracle/oci-cli/blob/master/services/object_storage/examples_and_test_scripts/get_bucket_example.sh>`__


Not secure
* VCN Transit Routing (VTR) feature as part of Virtual Cloud Network

* Ability to associate route table when creating drg-attachment (`oci network drg-attachment create --routeTableId`)
* Ability to associate route table when creating local-peering-gateway (`oci network local-peering-gateway create --routeTableId`)
* Ability to associate route table when updating drg-attachment (`oci network drg-attachment update --routeTableId`)
* Ability to associate route table when updating local-peering-gateway (`oci network local-peering-gateway update --routeTableId`)
* An example using the feature can be found on `GitHub <https://github.com/oracle/oci-cli/blob/master/services/core/examples_and_test_scripts/vcn_transit_routing.sh>`__.


Not secure
* Support for tagging as part of FSS

* ``oci fs file-system create --freeform-tags --defined-tags``
* ``oci fs snapshot create --freeform-tags --defined-tags``
* ``oci fs mount-target create --freeform-tags --defined-tags``

* Support for modifying the route table, DHCP options, or security lists associated with a subnet.

* Improvements to access control of compartments by allowing users to only show accessible compartments and list all compartments under the current tenancy.

* ``oci iam compartment list --access-level``
* ``oci iam compartment list --compartment-id-in-subtree``


Not secure
* Fix malformed instance metadata keys for ``oci compute-management instance-configuration create`` and ``oci compute-management instance-configuration launch-compute-instance``. This was preventing SSH access to instances created through these commands.


Not secure
* Support to Generate and Download wallet for Autonomous Transaction Processing Database and Autonomous Data Warehouse

* ``oci db autonomous-data-warehouse generate-wallet``
* ``oci db autonomous-database generate-wallet``

* Support for creating a standalone backup from an on-premises database as part of the Database service

* Details can be found `here <https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Database/Tasks/mig-onprembackup.htm>`__.
* An example on using the feature can be found on `GitHub <https://github.com/oracle/oci-cli/blob/master/src/oci_cli/scripts/database/dbaas.py>`__.

* Support for Cross Region Backup Copy in Block Storage.

* ``oci bv backup copy --volume-backup-id --destination-region``

* Support for Cost Tracking Tags as part of Identity Service.

* ``oci iam tag create --is-cost-tracking``
* ``oci iam tag update --is-cost-tracking``
* ``oci iam tag list-cost-tracking``

* Support for Compartment Delete, listing WorkRequests under a compartment and getting details for a work request.

* ``oci iam compartment delete --compartment-id``
* ``oci iam work-request list --compartment-id``
* ``oci iam work-request get --work-request-id``

* Support for Instance Configurations as part of Compute Management service

* ``oci compute-management instance-configuration create``
* ``oci compute-management instance-configuration delete``
* ``oci compute-management instance-configuration get``
* ``oci compute-management instance-configuration list``
* ``oci compute-management instance-configuration update``
* ``oci compute-management instance-configuration launch-compute-instance``

* Support for Instance Pools as part of Compute Management service

* ``oci compute-management instance-pool create``
* ``oci compute-management instance-pool terminate``
* ``oci compute-management instance-pool get``
* ``oci compute-management instance-pool list``
* ``oci compute-management instance-pool update``
* ``oci compute-management instance-pool reset``
* ``oci compute-management instance-pool softreset``
* ``oci compute-management instance-pool start``
* ``oci compute-management instance-pool stop``
* ``oci compute-management instance-pool list-instances``

* New Attribute ``dbVersion`` is included in the GET Response for Autonomous Transaction Processing Database and Autonomous Data Warehouse.
* New Attribute ``allConnectionStrings`` is included in the GET Response for Autonomous Transaction Processing Database and Autonomous Data Warehouse.

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