- Added a specialized SectionRef pointer (oca) ``SectionRef``
- Added parametric hole shape definitions to catalogue Hole2D (oca) ``Hole2D``
- Added EntityRefBase item as a base class to all references. (oca) ``EntityRefBase``
- Introduced DEXItemPtr as a general DEX pointer to any item derived from EntityBase. (oca) ``DEXItemPtr``
- Renamed GridReference to GridRef which inherit from EntityRefBase. (oca) ``GridRef``
- Included a unique ID on the Material_T type. (oca) ``Material``
- PlateMaterial now inherit from EntityRefBase supporting the general reference mechanism in the schema. (oca) ``PlateMaterial``
- Stiffener type uses new reference mechanism EntityRefBase to associate material and cross-section. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Added a Tolerance measure to all GeometryRepresentations. (oca) ``GeometryRepresentation``
- Added Centroid and Area attributes to all surfaces. (oca) ``Surface``
- Added Centroid and Length attributes to all curves (oca) ``Curve3D``
- Changed to English writing style Catalog->Catalogue (oca) ``ClassCatalogue``
- Either Structure or StructurGrouping can be sub-nodes to the Vessel type.The schema no longer require an instance of a StructureGrouping if this level is not necessary. (oca) ``Vessel``
- Added TrimCurves to the Plate. (oca) ``Plate``
- Added ClassificationData to the Vessel. ClassificationData now contains PrincipalParticulars and other class related data (oca) ``Vessel``
- Renamed Entity_T with IdBase_T (oca) ``IdBase``
- Added optional TonnageData to the Vessel definition (oca) ``ocx:TonnageData_T``
- Added optional StatutoryData to the Vessel definition (oca) ``ocx:StatutoryData_T``
- Added optional language attribute xs:language (oca) ``dexXML``
- Replaced uos with DocumentBase and introduced a schemaVersion attribute (oca) ``DocumentBase``
OCX_Schema: Changelog
All notable changes to the OCX schema will be documented in this file.
The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.1.0/),
and this project adheres to the Python [PEP 440 versioning recommendations](https://peps.python.org/pep-0440/).
Types of changes
* ``Added`` for new features.
* ``Changed`` for changes in existing functionality.
* ``Deprecated`` for soon-to-be removed features.
* ``Removed`` for now removed features.
* ``Fixed`` for any bug fixes.
* ``Security`` in case of vulnerabilities.