- Deleted the StructureFunction element, and added structureFunction as an optional attribute to Plate (oca) ``Plate``
- Deleted the StructureFunction element, and added structureFunction as an optional attribute to Stiffener (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Deleted the StructureFunction element, and added structureFunction as a mandatory attribute to Panel (oca) ``Panel``
- Made the tightness attribute mandatory on Panel. (oca) ``Panel``
- Removed Instance attribute from Panel (The Instance attribute carried AsDefined, Reflected, Both). The schema will instantiate all parts. (oca) ``Panel``
- Removed Knots2D from NURBS3D and replaced with the Knot element (oca) ``NURBS3D``
- Added Bracket to Vessel at same level as Panel, Plate, Stiffener .... (oca) ``Vessel``