
Latest version: v3.0.2

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- Made ConnectionConfiguration an element directly under Stiffener with cardinality [0,2] (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Made ConnectionConfiguration an element directly under Pillar with cardinality [0,2] (oca) ``Pillar``
- Replaced PillarCenterline with Curve3D (oca) ``Pillar``
- Replaced StiffenerTraceLine with Curve3D (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Made CrossSectionRef and MaterialRef elements directly under Stiffener (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Added an optional FaceBoundaryCurve to the UnboundedGeometry for panels/plates (oca) ``UnboundedGeometry``
- Removed ComposedOf from Compartment and moved the Cell reference (one to many) to directly under Compartment. (oca) ``Compartment``
- Added Pillar as part of ComposedOf for a Panel (oca) ``ComposedOf``
- Added an optional LimitedBy to Plane3D to avoid having to intersect co-planar objects. (oca) ``Plane3D``
- Introduced units for the Start and Spacing elements on RefPlaneGroup (oca) ``RefPlaneGroup``
- Introduced units for the Offset on GridRef. (oca) ``GridRef``
- Made localRef a mandatory attribute on EntityRefBase. All classes derived from EntityRefBase need to provide a localRef. (oca) ``EntityRefBase``
- EntityRefBase no longer inherit from IdBase and DescriptionBase to compact the information to be outputted for references. All classes derived from EntityRefBase does not need to provide an id or a Description. (oca) ``EntityRefBase``
- Removed BracketShape from the Catalogue as all brackets are defined in place. (oca) ``ClassCatalogue``
- Renamed TrimCurves to OuterContour. (oca) ``Panel``
- Renamed TrimCurves to OuterContour. (oca) ``Plate``
- Added a second FeatureCope (FeatureCopeU and FeatureCopeV) to the BracketParameters type to support asymmetric bracket shapes. (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Renamed ManHoleSymmetrical to SymmetricalHole (oca) ``SymmetricalHole``
- Renamed ManHoleAsymmetrical to AsymmetricalHole (oca) ``AsymmetricalHole``
- Added a new parametric hole definition RectangularMickeyMouseEars. (oca) ``RectangularMickeyMouseEars``
- Renamed simple element Grade to grade in accordance with the naming conventions. (oca) ``grade``
- Renamed simple type Description_T to Description_T in accordance with the naming conventions. (oca) ``Description_T``
- BuilderInformation_T element was incorrectly named BuilderInformation_T. Renamed the element to BuilderInformation in accordance with the naming conventions. (oca) ``BuilderInformation``
- ClassCatalogue derives from DescriptionItem instead of Function (unnecessary layer of abstraction). (oca) ``ClassCatalogue``
- Added InnerContour to CutBy to allow for any generic opening definition composed of a set of trim curves. (oca) ``CutBy``
- Removed item references derived from DEXItemPtr to simplify the schema. (oca) ``DEXItemPtr``
- Modified DEXItemPtr refType to include a list of allowed reference items. (oca) ``refType``
- Fixed typo in naming of IntermediatePoint in CircumArc3D (oca) ``CircumArc3D``


- Deleted the StructureFunction element, and added structureFunction as an optional attribute to Plate (oca) ``Plate``
- Deleted the StructureFunction element, and added structureFunction as an optional attribute to Stiffener (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Deleted the StructureFunction element, and added structureFunction as a mandatory attribute to Panel (oca) ``Panel``
- Made the tightness attribute mandatory on Panel. (oca) ``Panel``
- Removed Instance attribute from Panel (The Instance attribute carried AsDefined, Reflected, Both). The schema will instantiate all parts. (oca) ``Panel``
- Removed Knots2D from NURBS3D and replaced with the Knot element (oca) ``NURBS3D``
- Added Bracket to Vessel at same level as Panel, Plate, Stiffener .... (oca) ``Vessel``


- Added position attribute to BracketParameters to specify Near or Far. (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Removed NurbsSurfacePatch from NURBSSurfaceCollection The NURBSSurfaceCollection contains a set of NurbsSurface definitions. (oca) ``NURBSSurfaceCollection``
- Removed RangeBox3D as it is not used. (oca) ``GeometryRepresentation``
- The panel UnboundedGeometry can consist of multiple surfaces to enable the definition of knuckled panels. (oca) ``Panel``
- A plate can have its own UnboundedGeometry. (oca) ``Plate``
- Added a position (near/far) to the BracketParameters (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Added a cargo type to the Compartment definition to separate compartment and cargo physical properties. (oca) ``Compartment``
- Removed PhysicalProperties from Seam. (oca) ``Seam``
- Revised StructureFunction as agreed in distributed spreadsheet. Structure Functions are only one level, and the type is enumerated. (oca) ``StructureFunction``
- Material side has been removed from the Plate element. The associated PrincipalVesselDirection is discontinued and has been deleted from the schema.The Offset uniquely defines the material offset from the mould line together with the surface normal. (oca) ``Plate``
- Added OccurrenceGroup to the ProductView to support nested levels of grouping of instances. (oca) ``OccurrenceGroup``
- Renamed AssemblyView to DesignView. (oca) ``DesignView``


- Changed Hole2DContour to include a reference to a catalogue Hole2D type. (oca) ``Hole2DContour``
- Added HoleRef to reference hole catalogue definitions. (oca) ``HoleRef``
- Deleted TertiaryAxis from the definition of the Transformation (oca) ``Transformation``
- Changed UnboundedPanelGeometry to global element UnboundedGeometry for the Panel. (oca) ``Panel``
- Added UnboundedGeometry to the Plate and Bracket definitions. (oca) ``Plate``
- Added a EdgeRef to LimitedBy enabling to define a closed contour by the limiting objects. (oca) ``LimitedBy``
- Added a Cone3D surface type. (oca) ``Cone3D``
- Renamed LineString3D to PolyLine3D. Deleted LineString3D as these represent the same line type (oca) ``PolyLine3D``
- Deleted all Curve2D objects, and introduced a boolean is2D (default = false) on Curve3D to allow restriction to 2D (Z coordinate can be assumed equal zero). (oca) ``Curve3D``
- Stiffener/member inclination given by two direction vectors, one at each end. (oca) ``Inclination``


- Added an AssemblyView as a specialization of a ProductView. (oca) ``AssemblyView``
- Added a generic ProductView to the schema. ProductView is abstract and is not instantiated. (oca) ``ProductView``
- Changed Contour3D_T to explicitly distinguish between closed and open Curve3D types. (oca) ``Contour3D_T``
- Added PolyLine3D to the set of Curve3D types definition to Ellipse3D. (oca) ``PolyLine3D``
- Added MinorAxis definition to Ellipse3D. (oca) ``Ellipse3D``
- Made LimitedBy to a common global element and included the possibility to reference any structure object as part of the topology. (oca) ``LimitedBy``
- Added the possibility to reference Members and Plates from a ConnectionConfiguration. (oca) ``ConnectionConfiguration``
- Added new pointer type MemberRef to reference instantiated members (Pillars). (oca) ``MemberRef``
- Added a position (Point3D) to the Inclination definition of the Stiffener. It is required to specify the inclination at both stiffener ends and at intermediate positions if necessary. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Cleaned up the CoordinateSystem definitions and naming of elements and attributes. (oca) ``CoordinateSystem``
- Grouped all RefPlanes under a FrameTable element in CoordinateSystem to improve schema readability. (oca) ``CoordinateSystem``
- Changed Vector2D to be unit less and of unit length (oca) ``Vector2D``
- Changed Vector3D to be unit less and of unit length (oca) ``Vector3D``
- Added Compartment definition to the schema. A Compartment represents a physical volume. (oca) ``Compartment``
- Added Designation information to the Vessel. (oca) ``ShipDesignation_T``


- Allow for instantiation of any structure object directly under the Vessel. (oca) ``Vessel``
- Added a Penetration object to pillars. (oca) ``Pillar``
- Added the possibility for a Stiffener to penetrate another stiffener by modification of the Penetration object. (oca) ``Penetration``
- Added CutBy element to the Pillar to allow for the definition of arbitrary openings in members (oca) ``Pillar``
- Added CutBy element to the Stiffener to allow for the definition of arbitrary openings in stiffeners. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Changed Inclination definition of Pillar to be the same as the definition for Stiffener. (oca) ``Pillar``
- Corrected name of PhysicalProperties_Type to PhysicalProperties_T to align with naming convention. (oca) ``PhysicalProperties``
- Corrected typo of IntermediatePoint in CircumArc2D. (oca) ``CircumArc2D``

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