
Latest version: v3.0.2

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- Added a direction vector for the stiffener flange to define the local orientation of the Stiffener cross-section. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Added additional metadata to BarSection. (oca) ``BarSection``
- Changed BulbFlat properties to include bulb width. (oca) ``BulbFlat``
- Changed Segment definition of CompositeCurve3D to be the same definition as for CompositeCurve2D. (oca) ``CompositeCurve3D``
- Changed Segment definition of CompositeCurve2D to unbounded. A Segment may either consist of one Line2D, one CircumArc2D or both types in combination. (oca) ``CompositeCurve2D``


- Added NURBSSurfaceCollection as a collection of NURBSSurfaces. (oca) ``NURBSSurfaceCollection``
- Removed LineArc2D which is replaced by CircumArc2D. (oca) ``CircumArc2D``
- Redefined CompositeCurve2D to a collection of Line2D and CircumArc2D types. (oca) ``CompositeCurve2D``
- Added a straight line Line2D defined by two positions. (oca) ``Line2D``
- Added PhysicalProperties information to Plate, Bracket, Stiffener and Member types. (oca) ``PhysicalProperties``
- Added Pillar as a specialization of the Member type. (oca) ``Pillar``
- Redefined CompositeCurve3D to a collection of Line3D and CircumArc3D types. (oca) ``CompositeCurve3D``
- Added a straight line Line3D defined by two positions. (oca) ``Line3D``
- Removed LineArc3D which is replaced by CircumArc3D. (oca) ``CircumArc3D``
- Changed attribute naming in accordance with the lCC (lowerCamelCase) naming convention for attributes. (oca) ``bracketReinforcement``
- Removed Transformation as part of the Bracket definition as each bracket will be directly instantiated in 3D space. (oca) ``Bracket``
- Removed Centroid attribute from Surface objects to make the XML more compact. (oca) ``Surface``
- Removed Centroid attribute from Curve3D objects to make the XML more compact. (oca) ``Curve3D``
- Removed Centroid attribute from Curve2D objects to make the XML more compact. (oca) ``Curve2D``
- Removed StructureGrouping and Structure containers from the schema. Panel or Plate objects are placed directly under the Vessel. (oca) ``Vessel``
- Added two additional enumerations to the PrincipalVesselDirection: WithSurfaceNormal and AgainstSurfaceNormal. (oca) ``PrincipalVesselDirection``
- Added unbounded geometry definition to Bracket. (oca) ``Bracket``
- Changed trim curves of Bracket from 2DCurve to 3DCurve. (oca) ``Bracket``
- Added a PlateRef as a specialization of the EntityRefBase. (oca) ``PlateRef``


- Added RangeBox3D as new geometry type defining a box shape by min and max extensions. (oca) ``GeometryRepresentation``
- Added Sphere3D as new Surface type defining a sphere by radius and origin. (oca) ``Sphere3D``
- Added CircumCircle3D as new Curve3D type defining a circum circle by 3 points. (oca) ``CircumCircle3D``
- Added CircumArc3D as new Curve3D type defining a circular arc by 3 points. (oca) ``CircumArc3D``
- Added Ellipse3D as new Curve3D type (oca) ``Ellipse3D``
- Added Circle3D as new Curve3D type (oca) ``Circle3D``
- Changed content in Knot_T from elements to attributes as these are parameters without unit (not of type Quantity). Makes the XML more compact. (oca) ``Knot_T``
- Extended the number of characters to 40 for the GUIDRef to match guids in the Aveva export (oca) ``GUIDRef``
- Made the ref attribute optional for all elements inherited from EntityRefBase. This makes the schema more flexible, but it can also be rendered incomplete.To be discussed. Maybe we can have a mandatory choice between one of the two reference types: ref or GUIDRef. (oca) ``EntityRefBase``
- Made the id attribute optional for all elements inherited from IdBase. This makes the schema more flexible, but it can also be rendered incomplete.To be discussed. (oca) ``IdBase``
- Added an AngleTolerance measure. (oca) ``Form``
- Renamed the Tolerance measure to DistanceTolerance. (oca) ``Form``
- Made the Tolerance measure provided by the exporting application global for all geometries by moving it to the Form type. (oca) ``Form``
- Changed type of Centroid definition to Point3D on surfaces (oca) ``Surface``
- Changed type of Centroid definition to Point3D on 3D curves (oca) ``Curve3D``
- Changed type of Centroid definition to Point2D on 2D curves (oca) ``Curve2D``


- Added a complex curve CompositeCurve2D (oca) ``CompositeCurve2D``
- Added a complex curve CompositeCurve3D (oca) ``CompositeCurve3D``
- Made it possible for a stiffener to reference an ConnectionConfiguration where an existing ConnectionConfiguration points to me (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Added bracket parameters BracketParameters (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Specialized a reference type ConfigurationRef (oca) ``ConfigurationRef``
- Specialized a reference type BracketRef. (oca) ``BracketRef``
- Specialized a reference type StiffenerRef. (oca) ``StiffenerRef``
- Added a 3D position to an ConnectionConfiguration (oca) ``ConnectionConfiguration``
- Added parameters for possible types of ConnectionConfiguration (oca) ``ConnectionConfiguration``
- Added bracket and stiffener detailing FeatureCope. (oca) ``FeatureCope``
- Made the GUIDRef optional for all elements derived from GeometryRepresentation. (oca) ``GeometryRepresentation``


- Added a specialized SectionRef pointer (oca) ``SectionRef``
- Added parametric hole shape definitions to catalogue Hole2D (oca) ``Hole2D``
- Added EntityRefBase item as a base class to all references. (oca) ``EntityRefBase``
- Introduced DEXItemPtr as a general DEX pointer to any item derived from EntityBase. (oca) ``DEXItemPtr``
- Renamed GridReference to GridRef which inherit from EntityRefBase. (oca) ``GridRef``
- Included a unique ID on the Material_T type. (oca) ``Material``
- PlateMaterial now inherit from EntityRefBase supporting the general reference mechanism in the schema. (oca) ``PlateMaterial``
- Stiffener type uses new reference mechanism EntityRefBase to associate material and cross-section. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Added a Tolerance measure to all GeometryRepresentations. (oca) ``GeometryRepresentation``
- Added Centroid and Area attributes to all surfaces. (oca) ``Surface``
- Added Centroid and Length attributes to all curves (oca) ``Curve3D``
- Changed to English writing style Catalog->Catalogue (oca) ``ClassCatalogue``
- Either Structure or StructurGrouping can be sub-nodes to the Vessel type.The schema no longer require an instance of a StructureGrouping if this level is not necessary. (oca) ``Vessel``
- Added TrimCurves to the Plate. (oca) ``Plate``
- Added ClassificationData to the Vessel. ClassificationData now contains PrincipalParticulars and other class related data (oca) ``Vessel``
- Renamed Entity_T with IdBase_T (oca) ``IdBase``
- Added optional TonnageData to the Vessel definition (oca) ``ocx:TonnageData_T``
- Added optional StatutoryData to the Vessel definition (oca) ``ocx:StatutoryData_T``
- Added optional language attribute xs:language (oca) ``dexXML``
- Replaced uos with DocumentBase and introduced a schemaVersion attribute (oca) ``DocumentBase``

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