
Latest version: v3.0.2

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- Added DistanceAbove and WeldLegLength to LugPlateRef. (oca) ``LugPlateRef``
- Made GUIDRef attribute optional on Hole2D catalogue items (oca) ``Hole2D``
- Made BracketParameters attribute "position" optional with default value position=NearSide (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Moved the BracketRef pointer to be part of the FarBracket type to uniquely identify the FarBracket material and thickness. (oca) ``FarBracket``
- Moved the BracketRef pointer to be part of the NearBracket type to uniquely identify the NearBracket material and thickness. (oca) ``NearBracket``


- Added type SurfaceCollection to ReferenceSurfaces. (oca) ``ReferenceSurfaces``
- Created a new type SurfaceCollection which can contain any number of surfaces and be referenced by GUID or localRef. (oca) ``SurfaceCollection``
- Moved BracketRef from DoubleBracket type to BracketParameters_T type definition. (oca) ``BracketParameters_T``
- Moved DistanceAbove and DistanceBelow to LugPlateRef_T type definition. (oca) ``LugPlateRef_T``
- Moved reference elements (BracketRef, PlateRef, PillarRef) to the ConnectionConfiguration_T type definition. (oca) ``ConnectionConfiguration_T``
- Moved reference elements (BracketRef, PlateRef, PillarRef) to the Penetration_T type definition. (oca) ``Penetration_T``
- Changed DryCargoDensity to global type Density on DryCargoProperties . (oca) ``DryCargoProperties``
- Changed LiquidCargoDensity to global type Density on LiquidCargoProperties . (oca) ``LiquidCargoProperties``
- Changed PillarMaterial to generic type MaterialRef for pillar type . (oca) ``Pillar``
- Changed element name from Height to Diameter . (oca) ``Tube``


- Added an optional CopeLength to the FeatureCope. (oca) ``FeatureCope``
- Added ReferenceSurfaces to Vessel to collect frequently used surfaces. (bb) ``ReferenceSurfaces``
- Added a bracketType enumerator to BracketParameters. (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Removed Clearance from WebStiffenerWithDoubleBracket. (oca) ``WebStiffenerWithDoubleBracket``
- Removed Clearance from WebStiffenerWithSingleBracket. (oca) ``WebStiffenerWithSingleBracket``
- Added SoftToe details to BracketParameters. (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Deleted Clearance from the BracketParameters. (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Added structureFunction as optional attribute to Stiffener. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Added structureFunction as optional attribute to Plate. (oca) ``Plate``


- Moved the FaceBoundaryCurve definition from UnboundedGeometry back to Surface as agreed in the progress meeting. (oca) ``Surface``


- Introduced a CompartmentFace entity as a specialisation of UnboundedGeometry where the FaceBoundaryCurve is made mandatory. Introduced a CompartmentFace entity as a specialisation of UnboundedGeometry where the FaceBoundaryCurve is made mandatory. (oca) ``CompartmentFace``
- Moved the FaceBoundaryCurve definition from Surface to UnboundedGeometry (optional). This gives a clearer schema interpretation. (oca) ``Surface``
- Moved the FaceBoundaryCurve definition from Surface back to UnboundedGeometry (optional). This gives a clearer schema interpretation. (oca) ``UnboundedGeometry``
- Added Header element to Arrangement so that the original source can be traced with time stamp, author, system etc. (oca) ``Arrangement``
- Added Compartment as sub-element to Arrangement. The compartment defines a closed volume consisting of FaceBoundary objects and do not depend on the presence of any structure Panels. This allows for the definition of compartments independent of any structure. (oca) ``Compartment``
- Added Arrangement as a sub-element to Vessel. The Arrangement defines the vessel capacity plan composed of compartments (oca) ``Arrangement``
- Renamed Compartment to PhysicalSpace to distinguish this definition of spaces which is defined by limits of physical structure Panel objects. (oca) ``PhysicalSpace``


- Made material Offset optional on the Plate (oca) ``Plate``
- Modified the functionType enumerator to be aligned with AP218 coding and IACS Rec 82 glossary. (oca) ``functionType``
- Added lug parameters to the LugPlateRef reference. (oca) ``LugPlateRef``
- Added an optional SlotContour as part of the CutBy to give the full detail of the slot contour. (oca) ``CutBy``

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