
Latest version: v3.0.2

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- Changed the isReversed xs:type from string to boolean on XRefPlanes. (oca) ``XRefPlanes``
- Added a root point Origin and two direction vectors (UDirection, VDirection) to the BracketParameters to remove ambiguities in the mapping of penetration and end configuration types. (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Made LimitedBy on Plate a mandatory item as we need this information to correctly map plate limits. (oca) ``Plate``
- Introduced a ChoiceOf either TraceLine or Curve3D type for Stiffener due to backward compatibility with old model unit test for Nauticus import. This will not impact existing exports for vendors. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Introduced a ChoiceOf either TraceLine or Curve3D type for Seam due to backward compatibility with old model unit test for Nauticus import. This will not impact existing exports for vendors. (oca) ``Seam``
- Cleaned up the types inheriting from EntityRefBase and BoundedRef. Reference types referring an object without geometry shall inherit from EntityRefBase while reference types referring to objects with geometry shall inherit from BoundedRef. (oca) ``EntityRefBase``
- Introduced a new abstract reference type BoundedRef where an optional BoundingBox element has been introduced. The BoundingBox will limit the extent of the referenced object geometry. This can help to resolve ambiguous LimitedBy definitions. (oca) ``BoundedRef``
- Added the possibility to define an extruded surface by a base curve and a sweep direction and extent. (oca) ``ExtrudedSurface``
- Changed NumberOfDecksAbove from a global element to an attribute on PrincipalParticulars. (oca) ``PrincipalParticulars``
- Removed unused property type "scope" on NURBSproperties. (oca) ``NURBSproperties``
- Added the possibility to assign a main frame attribute isMainSystem=true when multiple systems are defined. If only one system is defined, it is assumed that the exported system is the main system. (oca) ``FrameTables``
- Added the possibility to specify an offset of FR0 from AP for the X frame positions. If not given, it is assumed that Fr0 is positioned at AP. (oca) ``XRefPlanes``
- Annotated enumeration values for compartmentPurpose (oca) ``compartmentPurpose``
- Annotated enumeration values for bulkCargoType (oca) ``bulkCargoType``
- Annotated enumeration values for gaseousCargoType (oca) ``gaseousCargoType``
- Annotated enumeration values for liquidCargoType (oca) ``liquidCargoType``
- Annotated enumeration values for unitCargoType. (oca) ``unitCargoType``
- Annotated enumeration values for bracket position. (oca) ``position``
- Annotated enumeration values for freeboardType according to SOLAS LL 66. (oca) ``freeboardType``
- Redefined material grade for normal and high strength steel in accordance with IACS UR W11. (oca) ``grade``
- Deleted RefPlaneGroup from RefPlanes definition as we require the exporting application to export every frame instance with a unique GUID (oca) ``FrameTables``
- Deleted Cyl_Group from the CylindricalAxes definition as we require the exporting application to export every frame instance with a unique GUID (oca) ``CylindricalAxes``
- Changed the externalRefAttributes enumeration of ExternalGeometryRef to refer to the specific geometry file type (.stp, .igs and .jt) (oca) ``externalRefAttributes``


- Introduced a new attribute edgeReinforcementType on BracketParameters describing the different bracket reinforcement types. (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Added a new sub-element EdgeReinforcement to BracketParameters. (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Introduced a new sub-element EdgeReinforcement containing additional parameters for reinforced brackets. (oca) ``EdgeReinforcement``
- Made SpeedFactor a Quantity_T type (carries a unit). (oca) ``SpeedFactor``
- Made Cyl_Group a global element. (oca) ``Cyl_Group``
- Made SectionOuterShape a global element. (oca) ``SectionOuterShape``
- Made SectionInnerShape a global element. (oca) ``SectionInnerShape``
- Made FlangeContour a global element. (oca) ``FlangeContour``
- Made WebContour a global element. (oca) ``WebContour``
- Made ChildRef a global element. (oca) ``ChildRef``
- Made ExternalGeometryRef a global element. (oca) ``ExternalGeometryRef``
- Made ApplicationRef a global element. (oca) ``ApplicationRef``
- Made Reference a global element. (oca) ``Reference``
- Corrected bug in ExternalGeometryRef (wrong implementation of super-type). (oca) ``ExternalGeometryRef``
- Added missing StiffenedBy to Bracket. (oca) ``Bracket``
- Bug in ApplicationRef, wrong implementation of mandatory attribute externalRef. (oca) ``ApplicationRef``
- Deleted EndCutCatalogue. (oca) ``ClassCatalogue``


- ComposedOf is made optional on Panel. A Panel with no ComposedOf element is treated as a "virtual" Panel and is only used to limit other objects. It will not be in scope for verification. (oca) ``Panel``
- Revised EntityRefBase_T so that the OCX export is valid using either a localRef or a GUIDRef, or both. But at least one must be present. This requires validation by XSD Version 1.1 (oca) ``EntityRefBase_T``
- Added OccurrenceGroup to the itemRef enumerator. RootRef can now also reference an OccurrenceGroup which means that the root node can be a folder. (oca) ``RootRef``
- The Occurrence is now defined as an OcxItemPtr and is a direct reference to a part in the DesignView. (oca) ``DesignView``
- Deleted ProductView from ocxXML to reside directly under the Vessel item. (oca) ``ocxXML``
- Moved ProductView from ocxXML to reside directly under the Vessel item. (oca) ``Vessel``
- Removed enum bracketType from BracketParameters. The Bracket has its own values in the functionType enumerator which shall be used to set the type. This is now the same pattern for Panel, Stiffener, Plate and Bracket. (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Extended the functionType with BRACKET types. This makes it more consistent as we will only have one source for function types in the schema. (oca) ``functionType``
- Made Bracket a subtype of Plate. The Bracket elements inherit all Plate elements and extends the Plate with one additional element BracketParameters (oca) ``Bracket``
- Added GasTight value to tightness enumerator. WaterTight will always be GasTight, but GasTight does not mean WaterTight. (oca) ``tightness``
- Renamed enum value RefPlane to GridRef in the enumerator refType. (oca) ``refType``
- Added the WebNoseHeight to the EndCut_T type. (oca) ``EndCut_T``
- Added the FlangeNoseHeight to the EndCut_T type. (oca) ``EndCut_T``
- Added an explicit TraceLine element under Pillar representing the Pillar trace curve in space as a Curve3D type. This improves the readability of the schema (oca) ``Pillar``
- Added an explicit TraceLine element under Seam representing the landing curve (Curve3D) of the Seam on the parent surface. This improves the readability of the schema (oca) ``Seam``
- Made PhysicalProperty mandatory for all elements inheriting from StructurePart. (oca) ``StructurePart_T``
- Renamed TopologyItem_T to StructurePart_T as this is a more meaningful description of the element. (oca) ``StructurePart_T``
- Renamed TopologyItem_T to StructurePart_T as this is a more meaningful description of the element. (oca) ``StructurePart_T``
- Deleted the DetailedFlangeContour under Stiffener as it is duplicated by the FlangeContour element. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Deleted the DetailedWebContour under Stiffener as it is duplicated by the WebContour element. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Added an explicit TraceLine element under Stiffener representing the landing curve (Curve3D) of the stiffener on the parent surface. This improves the readability of the schema (oca) ``Stiffener``


- Changed name Origin to Center on the parametric Circle3D definition for clarity. (oca) ``Circle3D``
- Moved WebContour and FlangeContour from EndCut to Stiffener as the contour returns the full stiffener contour with end-cuts at both ends. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Expanded the structure functionType with more types. (oca) ``functionType``
- The reference to the connected/penetrated Plate/Pillar/Stiffener is made mandatory. (oca) ``ConnectionConfiguration_T``
- The configuration type is made optional on the ConnectionConfiguration_T. If the configuration type is not specified, the stiffener either penetrates/connects a single Plate/Pillar/Stiffener object with no additional parameters given. The connected Plate/Pillar/Stiffener must be referenced. (oca) ``ConnectionConfiguration_T``
- Defined KnotVector_T base type for KnotVector, UknotVector and VknotVector. (oca) ``KnotVector_T``


- Changed NeutralAxisU and NeutralAxisV from Quantity_T to Vector3D_T type. (oca) ``UserDefinedBarSection``
- Added GaseousCargo according to ISO 10303-215:2004 (oca) ``GaseousCargo``
- Added UnitCargo according to ISO 10303-215:2004 (oca) ``UnitCargo``
- Added LiquidCargo according to ISO 10303-215:2004 (oca) ``LiquidCargo``
- Added BulkCargo according to ISO 10303-215:2004 (oca) ``BulkCargo``
- Made it voluntary to export either Compartment and PhysicalSpace or both on the Arrangement (oca) ``Arrangement``
- Deleted ApplicationRef from Arrangement as this is duplication for information (oca) ``Arrangement``
- Changed base to for Cell from EntityRefBase_T to EntityBase_T. (oca) ``Cell``
- Added EndCut as a Catalogue item to describe the stiffener end features. (oca) ``EndCut``
- Added EndCutEnd1 and EndCutEnd2 to Stiffener representing stiffener features. (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Reintroduced GUIDRef on BarSection as this broke the export when removed. (oca) ``BarSection``
- Reintroduced GUIDRef on Material as this broke the export when removed. (oca) ``Material``


- Renamed Slot to SlotParameters (oca) ``SlotParameters``
- The end cut parameters are made optional but must carry the mandatory sniped attribute (oca) ``EndCut_T``
- Moved the EndCut parameters to the Stiffener physical object. A stiffener can now have end cut parameters at each end: EndCutAtEnd1 and EndCutAtEnd2 (oca) ``Stiffener``
- Redesigned the ConnectionConfiguration to include only references to the it's connected parts (Bracket, Stiffener). (oca) ``ConnectionConfiguration``
- Moved BracketParameters from ConnectionConfiguration to the physical type Bracket. (oca) ``Bracket``
- Removed BracketRef from BracketParameters . (oca) ``BracketParameters``
- Removed mandatory GUID from Material catalogue item. (oca) ``Material``
- Removed mandatory GUID from BarSection catalogue item. (oca) ``BarSection``

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