.. rubric:: 5 October 2023
This pysam release wraps htslib/samtools/bcftools 1.18 (PR 1208).
It has been tested with Python versions 3.6 through 3.12, and wheels are
available via pypi_ for all of those Python versions. Python versions 3.6
and 3.7 are end-of-life; particularly if you use pysam with either of
these versions, please vote in the version survey at issue 1230.
The final pysam release that supported Python 2.7 was v0.20.0.
Bugs fixed:
* Remove Cython from runtime dependencies (PR 1186, thanks to Nicola Soranzo,
also reported by Arya Massarat in PR 1194)
* Miscellaneous dependency improvements (PR 1216, 1217, PR 1218, PR 1219,
thanks to Martin Larralde and Arthur Vigil)
* Suppress spurious "Could not retrieve index file" message when opening an
AlignmentFile (939, 1214, reported by ChengYong Tham and Sebastian Röner)
* Propagate SAM parsing errors encounted in :meth:`.AlignedSegment.fromstring`
(1196, reported by DV Klopfenstein)
* Accept invalid MD:A tagged fields produced by HTSeq instead of crashing
in :meth:`AlignedSegment.get_aligned_pairs(with_seq=True)
<.AlignedSegment.get_aligned_pairs>` (1226, reported by Isaac Vock)
* Fix multiarch macOS CI builds by removing brewed liblzma (1205, reported
by Till Hartmann)
* Fix :attr:`.VariantRecordSample.alleles` type hint (1179, reported by
David Seifert)
New functionality:
* Add optional :meth:`HTSFile.seek(..., whence) <.HTSFile.seek>` parameter
and clarify which functions use libc.SEEK_SET vs io.SEEK_SET
(1185, requested by luyulin)
* File handling improvements in samtools & bcftools commands (should improve
1193 and 1195, reported by Rob Bierman and Sam Chorlton)
* Improve :class:`.FastxFile` performance (PR 1227, thanks to Fabian Klötzl
and Valentyn Bezshapkin)
* Improve the accuracy of type hints for :class:`.AlignmentFile` iteration
(1184, PR 1189, reported by PikalaxALT)
Documentation improvements:
* Clarify that :meth:`.AlignedSegment.get_aligned_pairs` results are 0-based
(1180, reported by Nick Semenkovich)
* Clarify :meth:`.AlignedSegment.get_reference_positions` documentation
(836, 838, reported by Liang Ou and Nick Stoler)
* Clarify that installation via pip usually uses a wheel, and that configuring
the build via $HTSLIB_CONFIGURE_OPTIONS etc only applies when installing from
an sdist (1086, reported by Layne Sadler)
A message from pysam's founder, Andreas Heger:
As many of you will have noticed, John Marshall has been effectively
maintaining pysam and supporting users over the last few years.
I, Andreas, am very grateful for the countless hours he has contributed.
Unfortunately, I will not be able to contribute much in the near and
intermediate future. To keep pysam going, John has kindly agreed to
continue maintaining and supporting pysam as the principal developer
of pysam. I am very happy to know that pysam is in good hands and want
to thank again John and the wider pysam community for their suggestions,
bug reports, code contributions and general support.
Thank you Andreas for all your work over the years and the solid foundations
that pysam enjoys and the useful functionality it provides.