This release implements further functionality in the VariantFile API
and includes several bugfixes:
* treat special case -c option in samtools view outputs to stdout even
if -o given, fixes 315
* permit reading BAM files with CSI index, closes 370
* raise Error if query name exceeds maximum length, fixes 373
* new method to compute hash value for AlignedSegment
* AlignmentFile, VariantFile and TabixFile all inherit from HTSFile
* Avoid segfault by detecting out of range reference_id and
next_reference in AlignedSegment.tostring
* Issue 355: Implement streams using file descriptors for VariantFile
* upgrade to htslib 1.3.2
* fix compilation with musl libc
* Issue 316, 360: Rename all Cython modules to have lib as a prefix
* Issue 332, hardclipped bases in cigar included by
* Added support for Python 3.6 filename encoding protocol
* Issue 371, fix incorrect parsing of scalar INFO and FORMAT fields in VariantRecord
* Issue 331, fix failure in VariantFile.reset() method
* Issue 314, add VariantHeader.new_record(), VariantFile.new_record() and
VariantRecord.copy() methods to create new VariantRecord objects
* Added VariantRecordFilter.add() method to allow setting new VariantRecord filters
* Preliminary (potentially unsafe) support for removing and altering header metadata
* Many minor fixes and improvements to VariantFile and related objects
Please note that all internal cython extensions now have a lib prefix
to facilitate linking against pysam extension modules. Any user cython
extensions using cimport to import pysam definitions will need
changes, for example::
cimport pysam.csamtools
will become::
cimport pysam.libcsamtools