.. rubric:: 30 September 2021
This release wraps htslib/samtools/bcftools version 1.13. Corresponding
to new samtools commands, `pysam.samtools` now has additional functions
`ampliconclip`, `ampliconstats`, `fqimport`, and `version`.
Bugs fixed:
* [447] The maximum QNAME length is fully restored to 254
* [506, 958, 1000] Don't crash the Python interpreter on ``pysam.bcftools.*()`` errors
* [603] count_coverage: ignore reads that have no SEQ field
* [928] Fix ``pysam.bcftools.mpileup()`` segmentation fault
* [983] Add win32/\*.[ch] to MANIFEST.in
* [994] Raise exception in ``get_tid()`` if header could not be parsed
* [995] Choose TBI/CSI in ``tabix_index()`` via both min_shift and csi
* [996] ``AlignmentFile.fetch()`` now works with large chromosomes longer than 2\ :sup:`29` bases
* [1019] Fix Sphinx documentation generation by avoiding Python 2 ``ur'string'`` syntax
* [1035] Improved handling of file iteration errors
* [1038] ``tabix_index()`` no longer leaks file descriptors
* [1040] ``print(aligned_segment)`` now prints the correct TLEN value
(it also now prints RNAME/RNEXT more clearly and prints POS/PNEXT 1-based)
* *setup.py* longer uses ``setup(use_2to3)`` for compatibility with setuptools >= v58.0.0
New facilities:
* [PR 963] Additional VCF classes are exposed to pysam programmers
* [998, PR 1001] Add ``get/set_encoding_error_handler()`` to control UTF-8 conversion
* [PR 1012] Running ``python setup.py sdist`` now automatically runs cythonize
* Running tests with ``pytest`` now automatically runs ``make`` to generate test data
Documentation improvements:
* [726] Clarify get_forward_sequence/get_forward_qualities documentation
* [865] Improved example
* [968] ``get_index_statstics`` parameters
* [986] Clarify ``VariantFile.fetch`` start/stop region parameters are 0-based and half-open.
* [990] Corrected ``PileupColumn.get_query_sequences`` documentation
* [999] Fix documentation for ``AlignmentFile.get_reference_length()``
* [1002] Document the default min_base_quality for ``pileup()``