
Latest version: v0.22.1

Safety actively analyzes 685838 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure

* switch to samtools 0.1.18
* various bugfixes
* removed references to deprecated 'samtools pileup' functionality
* AlignedRead.tags now returns an empty list if there are no tags.
* added pnext, rnext and tlen



* switch to samtools 0.1.16 and tabix 0.2.5
* improved tabix parsing, added vcf support
* re-organized code to permit linking against pysam
* various bugfixes
* added Samfile.positions and Samfile.overlap


Not secure

* switch to samtools 0.1.12a and tabix 0.2.3
* added snp and indel calling.
* switch from pyrex to cython
* changed handling of samtools stderr
* various bugfixes
* added Samfile.count and Samfile.mate
* deprecated AlignedRead.rname, added AlignedRead.tid


Not secure

* switch to samtools 0.1.8
* added support for tabix files
* numerous bugfixes including
* permit simultaneous iterators on the same file
* working access to remote files

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