- New Features:
- "Session restore" by default enabled
- :issue_ghe:`364` "Open Recent" recently opened state state machines sub menu in menu bar under sub-menu Files
- "Save as copy" in menu bar under sub-menu Files
- "Show library content" supported for gaphas graphical viewer
- The inner library states can be selected, copied and used to run the execution from or to this state,
see :issue_ghe:`366` and :issue_ghe:`367`, too
- :issue_ghe:`255` The state machine tree shows inner library states, too, and can be used to explore all "leaf"-states
- Storage format can be adapted by the user (e.g. names of states in paths and there length)
- The library manager widget/tree supports modifications by right click (remove library, add/remove library roots)
- Execution tool-bar supports buttons for run to- and run from-state (like right click menu, too)
- Improvements:
- Refactoring of "Save state as state machine/library"
- Better default position meta data for states in graphical viewer
- Proper resize of graphical meta data for complex actions and show library content
- :issue_ghe:`369` Storage/Load module for state machines more flexible and robust
- Storage module supports the user to store state machines without platform specific file system format conflicts
- :issue_ghe:`365` substitute widget in now scrollable
- The gtkmvc version 1.99.2 is fully supported (:issue_ghe:`388` corrected version in older releases)
- Bug Fixes:
:issue_ghe:`382` Currently active state machine not correct
:issue_ghe:`362` Data flows between scoped variables
:issue_ghe:`354` Meta data broken when adding state as template to state machine
:issue_ghe:`353` Label not shown when adding state from library
Patch releases 0.10.\*