This is a shiny new minor release of RAFCON. Finally, Python 3 (>=3.4) is supported, while Python 2.7 can still be
used, thanks to the ``future`` packet. With this, we also ported the GUI from GTK+ 2 to GTK+ 3, allowing for better
styling. Of course, there are many more improvements and bug fixes:
- Features:
- RAFCON is now compatible to Python 3
- GTK+ 2 to GTK+ 3 port of the RAFCON GUI
- Better styling including a HeaderBar
- Alternative light theme! (GUI config option ``THEME_DARK_VARIANT``)
- Improvements:
- :issue_ghe:`117` Make GUI resizeable on all edges and corners
- :issue_ghe:`610` Provide CITATION.cff to make software citable
- :issue_ghe:`619` Provide and install \*.desktop file
- :issue_ghe:`621` Provide full license text
- :issue_ghe:`636` No exception when closing RAFCON and a state machine is still running
- :issue_ghe:`637` No exception when closing a state machine tab, when it still runs
- :issue_ghe:`640` Backward compatibility test runs with various python versions now
- :issue_ghe:`646` Library roots can be added and removed inside the library tree
- The installation should now work from a blank virtualenv
- The documentation about the release steps has been extended
- Bug Fixes:
- :issue_ghe:`596` External editor does not remember the handed command and also does not lock the embedded editor
- :issue_ghe:`617` Invalid DataFlow by DataFlowWidget
- :issue_ghe:`618` semantic data strings get scrambled/obfuscated in execution history log
fixed by pull request :issue_ghe:`626` fix(execution_log): unpickle semantic data
- :issue_ghe:`624` Debug console: cursor is not positioned at the point were it is clicked on
- :issue_ghe:`627` Generic library state machines need Gtk2 to gtk3 conversion
- :issue_ghe:`638` Exiting Fullscreen mode hides the graphical editor
- :issue_ghe:`644` "Substitute state as template" creates problems if not all models are recursive created
- Changes:
- Redundant libraries are marked as deprecated
- No more "+"-icon next to state machine tabs to add a new state machine (related to :issue_ghe:`639`)
- Remove old OpenGL GraphicalEditor
- Remove deprecated entry points ``rafcon_start`` and ``rafcon_start_gui``
Patch releases 0.12.\*