
Latest version: v2024.2.1

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**Release Notes:**
- Use new Cell.{LOCKED,PORT_TYPE,isPortCell()} (977)
- Remove some pre-2023.2.2 workarounds (978)
- [RWRoute] Fix logical driver flag setting for DCP write (979)
- Add explicit use case for a Jython script in --help (980)
- [VivadoTools] Add placeDesign() and getWorstSetupSlack() (975)
- [RWRoute] Consider all nets in timing-driven routing (976)
- [DCP] Test Design.writeCheckpoint() when using existing EDIF (965)
- Work around for multi-inverter BEL in DSP58 (969)
- [DesignTools.makeBlackBox()] Fix for 967 (970)
- [RWRoute,PhysNetlistReader] Set logical driver on PIPs (973)
- [SLRCrosserGenerator] Adds North/South parameterizable bus widths; some error checking (972)
- [EDIFTokenizer] Account for byte size of UTF-8 characters correctly (962)
- [VivadoTools] writeBitstream to not delete DCP parent dir (+more) (955)
- [RWRoute] Preserve [A-H]_O node when [A-H]MUX used as static src (954)
- [GlobalSignalRouter] No intra site routing for new static source pins (953)
- [EDIFPropertyValue] Fix getBooleanValue() NPE (952)
- [PhysNetlistReader] Fix checkConstantRoutingAndNetNaming() (951)
- [RWRoute] When removing unused source SPI restore intra-site routing (949)
- [RWRoute] Tidy up createNetWrapperAndConnections() (950)
- Fix EDIFPropertyValue.getBooleanValue() (948)
- [RWRoute] Replace main src with altsrc if main is unused (945)
- [RWRoute] Fix comment Eastern -> Western (943)
- RouterHelper.invertPossibleGndPinsToVccPins() to invert static LUT inputs (910)
- [TestRWRoute] Stop skipping some tests when < 8GB (941)
- Temporary workaround to clear logical net after Net.rename() (942)
- Known failing test for EDIFHierPortInst.getRoutedSitePinInst() (577)
- Known failing test for Tile.getSites() result different to Vivado (745)
- Known failing test for BITSLICE_CONTROL output pin projection (559)
- Add known failing testcase for 756 (758)
- Update RWRouteConfig.java (940)
- [RWRoute] Add --lutRoutethru option (932)
- [RWRoute] Do not pin swap SRL (shift register) cells (939)
- [LUTTools] LUT pin swapping fixes (938)
- Net.rename() to clear logical hier net
- Fix regarding issue around bitstream header
- Fixes issue when site wire lacks GND tag

API Additions:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.Bitstream "public boolean writeBitstream(Path path)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.Frame "public List<BitLocation> getDiff(Frame otherFrame)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Cell "public static final String LOCKED = "<LOCKED>";
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Cell "public static final String PORT_TYPE = "<PORT>";
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Cell "public boolean isPortCell()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Cell "public String getPropertyValueString(String key)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design "public void writeCheckpoint(String dcpFileName, String edfFileName, CodePerfTracker t)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design "public void writeCheckpoint(Path dcpFileName, Path edfFileName, CodePerfTracker t)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design "public void detachNetlist(Predicate<Cell> preserveCellProperties)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.BEL "public static BEL getBEL(Device device, SiteTypeEnum siteTypeEnum, String belName)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.PIP "public boolean isArcInverted()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.PIP "public void setIsLogicalDriver(boolean isLogicalDriver)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.SitePIP "public int getIndex()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.SitePIP "public static SitePIP getSitePIP(Device device, SiteTypeEnum siteTypeEnum, int sitePIPIndex)"


**Release Notes:**
- Add EDIFHierCellInst.isUniquified() (918)
- [RWRoute] RouteNode to extend Node (916)
- [DesignComparator] Fix whitespace (937)
- RouteThruHelper.isRouteThruPIPAvailable(Design, WireInterface, WireIn (915)
- Create a common interface for Node and Wire Objects (892)
- DesignComparator - compares place and route data (931)
- DesignTools.createMissingSitePinInsts() to infer SitePinInsts more smartly (936)
- LUTTools.swapLutPinsFromPIPs() to warn when site pin not found (934)
- [PhysNetlistReader] Warn and omit if PIP not found (933)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Handle PORT cells in GTY tiles (930)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Assume static net output BELPins to be sources too (929)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Fix stubs on static nets (928)
- Get a Boolean from EDIFPropertyValue (926)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Infer direction of IOB's PAD.PAD BEL pin (927)
- [RouteThruHelper] Move assertions, improve tests (925)
- [RWRoute] Don't swap dist RAMs on 'H' BELs since A and WA are shared (924)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Recognize static source BELPins (e.g. LUT outputs) (923)
- [RWRoute] Analyze a tile below the topmost arbitrary one (921)
- Adding test for IOB placement (903)
- [DesignTools.makeBlackBox()] Fixes routing issues in makeBlackBox() (919)
- [ECOTools] Inline cell insertion (917)
- RouterHelper.invertPossibleGndPinsToVccPins() to work on all invertible pins (911)
- [RWRoute] GlobalSignalRouting static net router to use [A-H]MUX outputs (914)
- [RWRoute] Fix exception for unrouteable connections (913)
- Declare gradle dependency explicitly (909)
- Fixes [Versal BELAttr] Parsing issue 912
- Add site pins when site routing through inverter BELs
- Fix UltraScale+ IBUF site routing
- Fix DSP pin mapping removals during site routing
- Adds support for special clock Node flag present in Versal designs

API Additions:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Node "public Node(Node node)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Package "public synchronized PackagePin getPackagePin(Site site)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Package "public String getPackagePinName(Site site)"


**Release Notes:**
- SLR Corner updates in device models and handling (886)
- Updates Protobuf to 3.25.0 (882)
- Updates/adds timestamp APIs (883)
- Refactor PROHIBIT constraint for faster Tcl interpretation (881)
- [PerformanceExplorer] Number pblocks by order in file, add first site in dir name (867)
- DesignTools.createMissingSitePinInsts(Design) to ignore GLOBAL_USEDNET (880)
- [RWRoute] Check source & sink pin reaches INT tile for dedicated connections (878)
- ECOTools.createExitSitePinInst() to detect net aliases (871)
- Rewrite RouterHelper.projectOutputPinToINTNode() with fixes (877)
- EDIFNetlist.{generateParentNetMap,getNetAliases}() to be inout-aware (876)
- DesignTools.createMissingSitePinInsts() to cope with net aliases (875)
- Improve TestECOPlacementHelper (874)
- Add com.xilinx.rapidwright.eco.ECOPlacementHelper (870)
- RouteThruHelper to handle SiteInst == null (866)
- Add RouteThruHelper.isRouteThruPIPAvailable(Design, Node, Node) overload (865)
- Add DesignTools.getConnectedBELPins() (864)
- RelocationTools fixes and more robust testing (863)
- Fix TimingAndWirelengthReport.main() (860)
- [Tests] Symlinks to absolute paths (862)
- added check to see if Cell.getLogicalPinMapping() is null (783)
- [DCP] Update tests to infer SitePinInsts (857)
- Replace $(shell ...) with $(wildcard) and $(subst) in Makefile (856)
- Undpreccate Design.createCell()
- Special clock flag fix for Versal DCPs
- More conservative SitePinInst creation upon DCP load

API Additions:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.SitePinInst "public int getConnectedTileWire()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Device "public int getSiteIndex(String siteName)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Device "public int getSiteIndex(Site site)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Device "public Site getSiteByIndex(int siteIndex)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.Device "public Site[] getAllSites()"

API Removals:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.ConfigRow "public ConfigRow()"


**Release Notes:**
- Include RapidWright API Lib Javadoc in Gradle Build (855)
- Add com.xilinx.rapidwright.eco.ECOTools package (850)
- More Polynomial Generator improvements (854)
- ReportRouteStatusResult.isFullyRouted() to check >0 logical net found (852)
- Fixes for the PolynomialGenerator (tutorial) (846)
- Test that Design.createModuleInst() copies static sources (839)
- ModuleInst.place() to check both RAMB36/RAMB18 sites for overlap (841)
- PartialRouter preprocessing and clock routing improvements (843)
- Updates to Interchange README.md (832)
- Simplify and make DesignTools.updatePinsIsRouted() more robust (844)
- RouterHelper.invertPossibleGndPinsToVccPins() to not invert BRAM CLKs (840)
- ModuleInst.connect() to leave physical Net alone for pass-thrus (722)
- Unroute site routing when removing a cell (729)
- PartialRouter's global router to not unpreserve sink nodes (736)
- DesignTools.makePhysNetNamesConsistent() to use hier name (735)
- DesignTools.makePhysNetNamesConsistent() to consider */<const{0,1}> (734)
- Add DcpToInterchange class (704)
- Add compile step (733)
- Add EdifToLogicalNetlist to MainEntrypoint (731)
- [PhysNetlistReader] Set Cell type for routethru cells (727)
- Fix Javadoc warnings (723)
- Fixes an issue with makeBlackBox trying to remove pins from renamed nets (728)
- Multilevel macro expansion (726)
- TestReplaceEDIFInDCP to copy DCP before replacing in-place (725)
- DesignTools.createMissingSitePinInsts() to skip node-less site pins (724)
- Add missing Versal DSP SiteTypeEnum (842)
- [RWRoute] Further fix/cleanup around alternate source pins (830)
- Adding out-of-context flag to RWRoute (836)
- fix a bug in PipelineGeneratorWithRouting.createPipeline() (837)
- Fix verb tense in RWRoute INFO msg (835)
- Enable RWRoute to load Interchange designs from main() (834)
- [VivadoTools] Check for Vivado on PATH first (831)
- [EDIFNetlist] - Ensure Macro Expansion Deep Copies Children (828)
- Minor RWRoute and UltraScaleClockRouting fixes (829)
- Properly add/remove dual-output pins (825)
- [TestRouteNode] Update comment; swap east and west (827)
- Add VivadoTools.reportRouteStatus() overload for specific net status (823)
- Update link to Discussions forum (824)
- [RWRoute] Only add alternative sources to SiteInst if used (821)
- RouteNode.getPIPsBackToSource() to recognize reversed PIPs (822)
- [PhysNetlistReader] Create FFRoutethruCell-s correctly (817)
- Add test for Design.movePinsToNewNetDeleteOldNet() (796)
- Test Cell.getAllCorrespondingSitePinNames() works for multi-outputs (792)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] No IO site port output BELPins without SitePinInst (820)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Set PhysPip.setForward() even if not bidir (819)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Skip output BELPins without cells, and port cells (818)
- Test that Design.createModuleInst() copies static sources (839)
- Design.createModuleInst() to copy STATIC_SOURCE_ SiteInsts properly
- Store partname in netlist for new designs
- SiteInst.addPin() to trackChanges() when ?_O or ?MUX pin added
- Method parameter names preserved in API lib jar
- API Additions:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Module "public Cell getCell(String cellName)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Net "public boolean isVCCNet()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Net "public boolean isGNDNet()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Net "public boolean isUsedNet()"


**Release Notes:**
- Fix DesignTools.getConnectionPIPs() (809)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] RouteBranchNode.getDrivers() to return input BelPin (800)
- Adds site pins to example code generation for nets. (807)
- Update to fixed microblazeAndILA_3pblocks.dcp (808)
- [LogNetlistWriter] Refactor writeStrings method to be public static (804)
- [VivadoTools] ReportRouteStatusResult to parse more stats (805)
- EDIF improvements (806)
- RWRoute improvements (803)
- Adds a createBitstream() method to VivadoTools (801)
- Small DesignTools improvements (797)
- added static function that helps produce test nets (including PIPs) (784)
- Add reference copy methods (794)
- [RWRoute] Add alternate source pins and set source routed flags (787)
- Adds support for RouteThru LUT equations and makes LUTEquationEvaluator public (795)
- Fix TestDCPLoad to prevent issues with parallel testing (793)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Fix route tree construction for bidir PIPs (791)
- VivadoTools.reportRouteStatus() to handle encrypted cells (777)
- [PhysNetlistWriter] Insert site port BELPin before site pin (790)
- fixed null pointer exception in getPhysicalNetFromPin() (775)
- LUT cell companion helper methods (764)
- Check for error situation RAPIDWRIGHT_PATH set but not CLASSPATH (772)
- Set reversed flag on bi-directional PIPs used from end->start (774)
- Fix RouterHelper.projectOutputPinToINTNode() for depop pins (779)
- Make PartialRouter.getUnroutedPins() public (778)
- FileTools.runCommand() - Adds ability to choose run directory (769)
- [GlobalSignalRouting] Static router to not create site pin if exists (768)
- RouteThru support for FFs in UltraScale architecture
- Fixes minor SitePinInst creation when reading a DCP
- Improvements to Net.rename() when tracking changes
- Design.detachNetlist() to detach routethru cells
- Adds reference copy APIs and ability to keep copies of modified
SiteInsts and Nets
- Improvements to DCP reading compatibility for different flows
within Vivado
- API Additions:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.BitLocation "public int hashCode()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.BitLocation "public boolean equals(Object obj)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.Bitstream "public static Bitstream readBitstream(Path fileName)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.Block "public int getBit(BitLocation bit, Tile tile)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.Block "public boolean updateBit(BitLocation bit, Tile tile, int value, Block golden)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.ConfigRow "public ConfigRow(int configRowIdx)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.FAR "public Block getConfigBlock(int slrCfgOrder)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.Packet "public int hashCode()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.bitstream.Packet "public boolean equals(Object obj)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Cell "public static final String FF_ROUTETHRU_TYPE"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Cell "public Cell getReferenceCopy()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Cell "public boolean isFFRoutethruCell()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design "public boolean isCopyingOriginalNetsRouting()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design "public void setCopyingOriginalNetsRouting(boolean copyOrigNets)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design "public Map<String, List<PIP>> getOriginalNetRouting()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design "public boolean isCopyingOriginalSiteInsts()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design "public void setCopyingOriginalSiteInsts(boolean copyOrigSiteInsts)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Design "public Map<String, SiteInst> getOriginalSiteInsts()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Net "public List<PIP> getCopyOfPIPs()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.SiteInst "public void addPin(SitePinInst sitePinInst)"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.SiteInst "public SiteInst getReferenceCopy()"


**Release Notes:**
- Shell creation improvements to enable lock_design and timing closure preservation (760)
- Adds a MakeBlackBox command line tool (747)
- Removes the VCC A6 pin on 5LUT usages when removing cells (741)
- Add DesignTools.getAllRoutedSitePinsFromPhysicalPin() (755)
- Correctly update dual-output route flags when unrouting (737)
- [PhysNetlistReader] Set cell type of LOCKED cells (767)
- Updates RAM32X1S property to correct default (751)
- [Interchange] PhysNetlistReader to create STATIC_SOURCE SiteInsts (766)
- RWRoute Fixes (765)
- GlobalSignalRouting.routeStaticNet() to create output SPIs (761)
- DesignTools.createCeSrRstPinsToVCC() to skip non-SLICE FFs (744)
- [PartialRouter] Improve incremental global routing (759)
- GlobalSignalRouting fixes for routing to non clock-pins (757)
- DesignTools.makePhysNetNamesConsistent() to merge static nets too (753)
- [UltraScaleClockRouting] Reset RouteNode.parent (752)
- Created parameterizable counter with an adder as a submodule (713)
- [RWRoute] Fix PartialRouter for when clk node already unpreserved (746)
- [Interchange] Fix PhysicalNetlist's MultiCellPinMapping (743)
- Unroute site routing when removing a cell (729)
- PartialRouter's global router to not unpreserve sink nodes (736)
- DesignTools.makePhysNetNamesConsistent() to use hier name (735)
- DesignTools.makePhysNetNamesConsistent() to consider */<const{0,1}> (734)
- Add DcpToInterchange class (704)
- Add compile step (733)
- Add EdifToLogicalNetlist to MainEntrypoint (731)
- Fix Javadoc warnings (723)
- Fixes an issue with makeBlackBox trying to remove pins from renamed nets (728)
- [PhysNetlistReader] Set Cell type for routethru cells (727)
- Multilevel macro expansion (726)
- TestReplaceEDIFInDCP to copy DCP before replacing in-place (725)
- DesignTools.createMissingSitePinInsts() to skip node-less site pins (724)
- Fix to create alternate source pins on dual output nets.
- Fixes incorrect Versal SLR corner tile entries
- Cell.getProperty() returns null if no EDIFCellInst found
- Cell.getAllSitePinsFromLogicalPin() to not return any null pins
- Cell.getAllCorrespondingSitePinNames() to not NPE if no physical pin mapping
- Cell.getCorrespondingSitePinName() to consider F?MUX routethrus
- API Additions:
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.device.PIP "public boolean isLogicalDriver()"
- com.xilinx.rapidwright.design.Cell "public String getCorrespondingSitePinName(String logicalPinName, String physPinName, List<String> siteWires)"

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