This patch replaces use of the deprecated numpy product() with numpy prod().
This patch makes a small change to the one vector utilities function which uses the njit decorator with the parallel option. The change aims to ensure the function is guaranteed to be thread safe.
This patch applies unit of measure conversion for the LENGTH, RADW and RADB columns in the BlockedWell.dataframe() method, when these are sourced from blocked well properties but a different length uom has been requested. The change also affects the BlockedWell.write_wellspec() method which calls the dataframe() method.
This patch includes two small changes:
- An INCLUDE statement is now taken to indicate the end of a WELLSPEC table when processing a Nexus ascii Wellspec file. - When generating a blocked well discrete property by sampling a grid property, the hdf5 data is now stored with dtype int64 (was int32).
Nexus is a trademark of Halliburton.
This patch is simply to test the publishing pipeline after some changes there. The version is the same as v4.9.3 apart from one character in the readme.
This patch changes the default agitation behaviour in the find_faces...() functions to be constant rather than random. A new argument allows random behaviour to be selected if required. The non random agitation means that multiple surfaces being mapped to the same grid will have the same faces identified where the surfaces are coincident. It also helps with reproducibility without the need for a random seed.