This patch fixes a bug in the surface.TriMesh.tji_tc_for_xy_array() method and other methods that call it, when the tri mesh origin is non zero. Separately, there are some minor updates to property kinds used for some blocked wellbore properties, to bring them in line with those in use on wellbore frames.
This patch modifies the case of the extra metadata Name used for non standard units of measure. Previously this key was 'uom'. This change uses 'Uom' instead, in line with the RESQML Technical Reference guide.
This patch adds support for indexable elements of I0 and J0 for properties where the supporting representation is an Ijk grid.
This minor release introduces options for hdf5 chunks and compression.
This patch adds a realization() method to the Property class, being the equivalent of realization_for_part() in the PropertyCollection class.
The expectation of property kind being 'region initialization' is also restricted to a set of specific Nexus keywords, rather than for any property citation title beginning with 'I'. This change will remove some warnings when using such properties.
Nexus is a trademark of Halliburton.
This patch makes the boolean packing option available in the multi-processing wrapper interface to the find faces... functionality. Note that using the boolean packing will result in properties that non-resqpy based applications won't generally be able to read the array data for.