This patch adds a method to the Surface class for interpolating z values at a given array of xy locations:
- sample_z_at_xy_points()
This change removes resqpy compatibility with python version 3.11 after issues were discovered with regard to numba and llvmlite. When those issues are resolved, another resqpy release will reintroduce support for python 3.11. Sorry for the yo-yoing.
This patch fixes a buglet whereby a grid connection set was ending up without a citation title, when created from a Grid face set.
This release adds 3.11 to the range of python versions compatible with resqpy, as well as updating the versions of many other dependencies.
It also adds a function to the weights and measures module for converting transmissibility values between different units (which in resqpy include a viscosity term).
This change enhances the TriMesh class, notably with a method for interpolating zero crossing points on triangle edges.
This patch fixes a bug in get_boundary(), introduced with v4.0.0. The bug affects find_faces...regular_optimised().