
Latest version: v2.6.14

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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Not secure
What Changed

🚀 Features

- staticsite extra_files paul-duffy (368)

🐛 Bug Fixes

- fix promotezip with serverless<1.70.0 ITProKyle (378)

📖 Doc Updates

- fix Kubernetes section caption ITProKyle (377)


Not secure
What Changed

🚀 Features

- add additional terraform backend init arguments troyready (376)

🐛 Bug Fixes

- Fix npm subprocess execution on Ubuntu 20.04 troyready (337)

📖 Doc Updates

- update runway blueprints link ITProKyle (373)
- update macOS python setup docs to default to zsh troyready (374)


Not secure
What Changed

🐛 Bug Fixes

- allow runway tests to exit 0 without signaling failure troyready (372)

🧰 Maintenance

- sls-tsc sample: add missing .gitignore files troyready (370)


Not secure
What Changed

🐛 Bug Fixes

- fix issue where sys.path was not fully reverted between cfngin configs ITProKyle (367)

🧰 Maintenance

- update `types/node` version in cdk-tsc sample mugfordsfcc (364)


Not secure
What Changed

🚀 Features

- add `future.strict_environment` config option ITProKyle (341)
- sls-tsc template: migrate from tslint to typescript-eslint troyready (353)
- disable pip red error messages; add pip warning troyready (350)

🐛 Bug Fixes

- [BUG-356] - Add support for serverless module names paul-duffy (358)
- fix RunwayModule not subscriptable & awacs/troposphere unload causing isinstance inconsistencies ITProKyle (361)
- add prompt to select region for envvars command ITProKyle (359)

📖 Doc Updates

- restructure developers guide & move custom module doc page ITProKyle (338)

🧰 Maintenance

- improve test coverage of command base classes ITProKyle (354)


Not secure
What Changed

🚀 Features

- add logic to use `--no-color` with cdk, cpm, sls, and tf ITProKyle (290)
- destroy_stack now aware of action=diff, use different approval prompt ITProKyle (289)
- ae refresh token with 5 minutes remaining ITProKyle (326)
- runway test: return non-zero exit code if any non-required tests failed ITProKyle (329)
- remove yarn from static-react sample ITProKyle (330)

🐛 Bug Fixes

- fix Pyinstaller yamllint test ITProKyle (344)
- the friendly error when npm can't be found has returned ITProKyle (339)
- fix namespace collisions when cfngin modules contribute similar names ITProKyle (351)

📖 Doc Updates

- restructured staticsite docs ITProKyle (334)

🧰 Maintenance

- add py wheel package to urlshortener action troyready (288)
- update cfn template to use new cfngin_bucket syntax troyready (331)

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