
Latest version: v2.6.14

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

Scan your dependencies

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Not secure
What Changed

🐛 Bug Fixes

- pin back version of virualenv and pyinstaller to fix linux error ITProKyle (172)
- change cfngin.commands.__init__ import of __version__ to absolute ITProKyle (173)
- add shim for stacker.variables ITProKyle (174)

📖 Doc Updates

- fix apidoc_module_dir post src removal ITProKyle (175)

🧰 Maintenance

- remove manual homebrew, set addon to update ITProKyle (171)


Not secure
What Changed

🐛 Bug Fixes

- avoid npm directory creation errors troyready (168)
- stacker.__version__ sim support ITProKyle (169)

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