
Latest version: v2.6.14

Safety actively analyzes 642295 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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What Changed

๐Ÿš€ Features

- core: add logic to handle `init` action ITProKyle (659)
- cli: add functionality to `init` command ITProKyle (677)
- module.*: add `.init()` method to base class & module handler classes ITProKyle (678)
- cdk: refactor class so it can be properly tested ITProKyle (685)
- k8s: refactor class so it can be properly tested ITProKyle (686)
- LookupHandler: convert strings with a value of none to `NoneType` ITProKyle (704)
- cfngin.hooks: add `ssm.parameter.SecureString` hook ITProKyle (709)
- lookups: add `random.string` lookup ITProKyle (714)
- cfngin: add init action & refactor cfngin_bucket creation ITProKyle (722)
- serverless: refactor deploy_package ITProKyle (738)
- static site: add parameter for CloudFront.DefaultCacheBehavior.Compress ITProKyle (769)
- cdk: add functionality to init action ITProKyle (771)
- terraform: add functionality to init action ITProKyle (772)

๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

- cfngin: fix incorrect variable type conversions & add tests ITProKyle (732)

๐Ÿงถ Dependencies

- dunamai: move to the correct `extras` ITProKyle (676)
- remove botocore as an explicit dependency - implicit from use of boto3 ITProKyle (698)
- Bump pytest-xdist from 2.2.1 to 2.3.0 dependabot (693)
- Bump pyright from 1.1.148 to 1.1.150 dependabot (692)
- Bump gitpython from 3.1.17 to 3.1.18 dependabot (699)
- Bump pyright from 1.1.150 to 1.1.151 dependabot (706)
- Bump moto from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10 dependabot (707)
- Bump pytest-subprocess from 1.1.0 to 1.1.1 dependabot (708)
- Bump isort from 5.8.0 to 5.9.1 dependabot (721)
- Bump send2trash from 1.5.0 to 1.7.1 dependabot (717)
- build(deps): bump urllib3 from 1.26.5 to 1.26.6 dependabot (735)
- build(deps-dev): bump boto3-stubs from 1.17.93 to 1.17.102.post1 dependabot (734)
- build(deps-dev): bump mypy-boto3 from 1.17.93 to 1.17.102.post1 dependabot (733)
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.17.93 to 1.17.102 dependabot (736)
- build(deps): bump cfn-lint from 0.51.0 to 0.52.0 dependabot (742)
- build(deps): bump packaging from 20.9 to 21.0 dependabot (758)
- build(deps-dev): bump isort from 5.9.1 to 5.9.2 dependabot (767)
- build(deps-dev): bump moto from 2.0.10 to 2.0.11 dependabot (766)
- build(deps-dev): bump boto3-stubs from 1.17.102.post1 to 1.17.109 dependabot (768)
- build(deps-dev): bump mypy-boto3 from 1.17.102.post1 to 1.17.109 dependabot (763)
- build(deps): bump boto3 from 1.17.102 to 1.17.109 dependabot (764)
- build(deps): bump awacs from 1.0.4 to 2.0.0 dependabot (765)

๐Ÿ“– Doc Updates

- update documentation for release process ITProKyle (753)

๐Ÿงฐ Maintenance

- Bump cspell from 5.6.2 to 5.6.3 dependabot (670)
- Bump cspell from 5.6.3 to 5.6.4 dependabot (680)
- resolve pyright reportTypedDictNotRequiredAccess errors ITProKyle (697)
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10 dependabot (690)
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2.2.3 to 2.2.4 dependabot (691)
- Bump cspell from 5.6.4 to 5.6.6 dependabot (705)
- Bump cspell/dict-python from 1.0.35 to 1.0.36 dependabot (715)
- build(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.151 to 1.1.153 dependabot (728)
- build(deps-dev): bump black from 21.5b1 to 21.6b0 ITProKyle (746)
- move pyright config into pyproject.toml ITProKyle (747)
- use flake8-bugbear ITProKyle (748)
- use flake8-comprehensions ITProKyle (749)
- use flake8-print ITProKyle (750)
- use flake8-use-fstring ITProKyle (751)
- build(deps-dev): bump pyright from 1.1.153 to 1.1.156 dependabot (762)


Not secure
What Changed

๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

- k8s: fix issue causing wrong path to be passed to kubectl (file vs dir) ITProKyle (668)

๐Ÿงถ Dependencies

- Bump botocore from 1.20.91 to 1.20.92 dependabot (664)
- Bump coloredlogs from 15.0 to 15.0.1 dependabot (665)
- Bump mypy-boto3 from 1.17.91 to 1.17.92.post1 dependabot (663)
- Bump boto3 from 1.17.91 to 1.17.92 dependabot (666)
- Bump boto3-stubs from 1.17.91 to 1.17.92.post1 dependabot (662)
- Revert "Bump coloredlogs from 15.0 to 15.0.1 (665)" ITProKyle (667)

๐Ÿงฐ Maintenance

- configure codecov ITProKyle (658)
- Bump cspell from 5.6.1 to 5.6.2 dependabot (661)


Not secure
What Changed

๐Ÿš€ Features

- remove `scripts/` from ITProKyle (627)
- terraform destroy: handle differences in supported cli options by tf version ITProKyle (632)
- cfngin: add `timeout` field to specify CloudFormation Stack `TimeoutInMinutes` ITProKyle (635)

๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

- cdk: change `-c` to `--context` to prevent conflict with `npx -c ...` ITProKyle (633)
- cdk: use `npx --package aws-cdk cdk ...` to fix issue causing module to fail when using npm 7 ITProKyle (634)

๐Ÿงถ Dependencies

- Bump botocore from 1.20.87 to 1.20.90 dependabot (650)
- Bump boto3-stubs from 1.17.87 to 1.17.90.post1 dependabot (649)
- Bump mypy-boto3 from 1.17.87 to 1.17.90.post1 dependabot (651)
- Bump boto3 from 1.17.87 to 1.17.90 dependabot (652)
- Bump botocore from 1.20.90 to 1.20.91 dependabot (655)
- Bump boto3-stubs from 1.17.90.post1 to 1.17.91 dependabot (654)
- Bump mypy-boto3 from 1.17.90.post1 to 1.17.91 dependabot (656)
- Bump boto3 from 1.17.90 to 1.17.91 dependabot (657)

๐Ÿ“– Doc Updates

- remove doc pages for github actions & labels ITProKyle (631)

๐Ÿงฐ Maintenance

- disable publishing dev builds ITProKyle (615)
- split Pyinstaller build its into own workflow, only runs when needed ITProKyle (616)
- add ghaction-github-labeler action ITProKyle (617)
- add assign-author action ITProKyle (618)
- add autolabeler configuration for release-drafter ITProKyle (619)
- refactor old tests to use pytest ITProKyle (620)
- refactor release process, replace pipenv with poetry ITProKyle (626)
- modify branch name requirements ITProKyle (630)
- dependabot: enable updates for github-actions ITProKyle (637)
- actions: disable running if actor is dependabot[bot] ITProKyle (642)
- Bump pre-commit/action from 2.0.0 to 2.0.3 dependabot (641)
- Bump actions/cache from 1 to 2.1.6 dependabot (640)
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 1.0.0 to 2.2.3 dependabot (638)
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 1.0.0 to 2.0.9 dependabot (639)
- Bump pyright from 1.1.138 to 1.1.147 ITProKyle (644)
- dependabot: enable updates for npm packages ITProKyle (645)
- Bump cspell/dict-python from 1.0.34 to 1.0.35 dependabot (647)
- Bump cspell from 5.4.1 to 5.6.1 dependabot (646)
- dependabot: enable updates for python packages ITProKyle (648)
- Bump pyright from 1.1.147 to 1.1.148 dependabot (653)


Not secure
What Changed

๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

- fix issue causing install from PyPi to fail ITProKyle (614)


Not secure
What Changed

๐Ÿš€ Features

- drop support for python < 3.6 ITProKyle (435)
- relocate, update, and rename variable & lookup exceptions ITProKyle (439)
- remove stacker shim and update documentation to remove mentions of it ITProKyle (440)
- remove `runway.http_backport` ITProKyle (450)
- remove relocated stacker shim ITProKyle (452)
- use pydantic for config validation ITProKyle (455)
- remove support for python < 3.7 ITProKyle (462)
- update uses of `runway.cfngin.session_cache.get_session to context.get_session()` ITProKyle (503)
- implement type annotations and basic type checking ITProKyle (508)
- relocate context classes & update them to share the same base class ITProKyle (511)
- remove Stacker CLI components & deprecated run-stacker command ITProKyle (512)
- remove `targets` field from CFNgin config ITProKyle (522)
- remove stacker argv override that was left over from using parts of CLI ITProKyle (523)
- improve module base classes, move module base classes and utilities ITProKyle (524)
- move, rename, & update the module path class ITProKyle (525)
- relocate `RunwayModuleType` class ITProKyle (526)
- `account_alias` & `account_id`: remove environment map support ITProKyle (527)
- sls: use pydantic model to parse options ITProKyle (528)
- tf: use pydantic model to parse options ITProKyle (529)
- cdk: use pydantic model to parse options ITProKyle (530)
- k8s: use pydantic model to parse options ITProKyle (531)
- staticsite: use pydantic model to parse options and parameters ITProKyle (532)
- refactor variable for improved typing, drop support for deprecated lookups ITProKyle (538)
- strict type checking ITProKyle (539)
- variable: support concatenating int and str ITProKyle (540)
- cfngin: change `pre_/post_build` to `pre_/post_deploy` to match terminology ITProKyle (543)
- force multiprocessing to fork processes & disable parallel on non-posix systems ITProKyle (545)
- update sls-tsc sample to use serialized compilation troyready (551)
- remove profile field from cfngin config ITProKyle (556)
- add `schema cfngin` & `schema runway` commands ITProKyle (558)
- replace `init` command with `new` command ITProKyle (561)
- remove `region` field from cfngin stack configuration ITProKyle (562)
- tfenv: log hcl errors & return empty dict if module can't be parsed ITProKyle (563)
- explicit exception chaining & exception base class ITProKyle (569)
- remove `awscli` as a dependency ITProKyle (571)
- change default cfngin bucket to `cfngin-${namespace}-${region}` ITProKyle (575)
- remove `gen-sample stacker` ITProKyle (576)
- all CFNgin variable types that were instances of `CFNType` are now subclasses of `CFNType` ITProKyle (580)
- rename `util` to `utils` ITProKyle (581)
- remove `ssmstore` lookup ITProKyle (582)
- remove `hook_data` lookup support for legacy syntax ITProKyle (583)
- move `runway.hooks` to `runway.cfngin.hooks` ITProKyle (584)
- update blueprint classes to replace some methods with properties ITProKyle (585)
- make `future.strict_environments` standard behavior ITProKyle (586)
- change usage of some objects to context manages - was not supported in older versions of python ITProKyle (600)

๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

- cfngin will now exit on `DELETE_FAILED` instead of infinite retry loop ITProKyle (605)

๐Ÿ“– Doc Updates

- CHANGELOG now available on RTD site, built from GitHub Releases ITProKyle (611)

๐Ÿงฐ Maintenance

- update codebuild image ITProKyle (593)
- update pydantic and other dependencies locked in this project ITProKyle (613)


Not secure
What Changed

๐Ÿ› Bug Fixes

- avoid awscli instantiation during kbenv troyready (549)

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