**Support for Python 3.5 has been deprecated. Compatibility testing has ceased and functionality for this release and beyond is not guaranteed.**
What Changed
๐ Features
- add prompt for deploy env when branch name is unexpected ITProKyle (229)
- deprecate support for python 3.5 ITProKyle (244)
๐ Bug Fixes
- revert context.hook_data data type to dict ITProKyle (230)
๐งถ Dependencies
- Bump https-proxy-agent from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4 in /integration_tests/test_serverless/templates/promotezip-multisrc-single-zip.sls dependabot (231)
- Bump https-proxy-agent from 2.2.2 to 2.2.4 in /integration_tests/test_serverless/templates/promotezip-multisrc-multizip.sls dependabot (232)
๐งฐ Maintenance
- add handling for depedabot PRs ITProKyle (234)
- travis => actions ITProKyle (189)
- fix npm build artifact, pypi publish artifact download, setup-node ITProKyle (235)
- update action trigger, add --access public to npm publish ITProKyle (237)
- add scope to npm setup ITProKyle (238)
- npm action fixes ITProKyle (239)
- manually configure npm incase action config is causing failure ITProKyle (240)
- fix npm publishing ITProKyle (241)