* feature: add train_volume_kms_key parameter to Estimator classes * doc-fix: add deprecation warning for current MXNet training script format * doc-fix: add docs on deploying TensorFlow model directly from existing model * doc-fix: fix code example for using Gzip compression for TensorFlow training data
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* feature: add support for TensorFlow 1.10.0
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* doc-fix: fix rst warnings in README.rst
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* bug-fix: Local Mode: Create output/data directory expected by SageMaker Container. * bug-fix: Estimator accepts the vpc configs made capable by 1.9.1
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* feature: add support for TensorFlow 1.9
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* bug-fix: Estimators: Fix serialization of single records * bug-fix: deprecate enable_cloudwatch_metrics from Framework Estimators. * enhancement: Enable VPC config in training job creation