* add tensorflow 1.15.4 and 2.3.1 as valid versions
* add py36 as valid python version for pytorch 1.6.0
* auto-select container version for p4d and smdistributed
* add edge packaging job support
* Add Clarify Processor, Model Bias, Explainability, and Quality Monitors support. (494)
* add model parallelism support
* add data parallelism support (454) (511)
* support creating and updating profiler in training job (444) (526)
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
* bump boto3 and smdebug_rulesconfig versions for reinvent and enable data parallel integ tests
* run UpdateTrainingJob tests only during allowed secondary status
* Remove workarounds and apply fixes to Clarify and MM integ tests
* add p4d to smdataparallel supported instances
* Mount metadata directory when starting local mode docker container
* add integ test for profiler
* Re-enable model monitor integration tests.
Documentation Changes
* add SageMaker distributed libraries documentation
* update documentation for the new SageMaker Debugger APIs
* minor updates to doc strings