* feature: Estimator: add script mode and Python 3 support for TensorFlow
* bug-fix: Changes to use correct S3 bucket and time range for dataframes in TrainingJobAnalytics.
* bug-fix: Local Mode: correctly handle the case where the model output folder doesn't exist yet
* feature: Add APIs to export Airflow training, tuning and model config
* doc-fix: Fix typos in tensorflow serving documentation
* doc-fix: Add estimator base classes to API docs
* feature: HyperparameterTuner: add support for Automatic Model Tuning's Warm Start Jobs
* feature: HyperparameterTuner: Make input channels optional
* feature: Add support for Chainer 5.0
* feature: Estimator: add support for MetricDefinitions
* feature: Estimators: add support for Amazon IP Insights algorithm