* Update boto3 version to 1.33.3
* Goldfinch InferenceComponent integration
* Add Pipeline step decorator, NotebookJobStep, and scheduler
* ModelBuilder for simplified model testing and deployment
Bug Fixes and Other Changes
* Skip failing integ tests
* chore: add jumpstart gated model integration tests
* disable integration tests for Inference Component based endpoint for non supported regions
* remove unnecessary whl file - Galactus
* refactor endpoint type enums, comments, docstrings, method names…
* Address SA feedback regarding deployment straight to Endpoint Mode - Galactus
* fix HuggingFace GEN2 model deployment arguments
* when customer role does not have permission to read logs from CW, default to standard logging - Galactus
* Add pagination for ListInferenceComponent API responses, address non-blocking comments
* Create CSVSerializerWrapper - Galactus
* Model builder Final Fixes
* remote function include_local_workdir default value
* use copy instead of move in bootstrap script
* WaiterError on failed pipeline execution. results()
* Add a unit test for consistency between step and remote decorator
* merge WorkdirConfig and custom_filter_filter parameters
* Add back mixed step type integ test
* do not delete temp folder generated by sdist
* make collect_parameters decorator as private
* HMAC signing for ModelBuilder Triton python backend
Documentation Changes
* update docstring for Generation two endpoint and validation message
* galactus doc updates
* CustomFileFilter doc updates
* NotebookJobSteps class parameter severity update