
Latest version: v0.28.1

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Not secure


* Fixed bug that causes tool setup information to be lost when running a flow in multiple chunks using a steplist.


* Fixed old schema references in Yosys synthesis strategy scripts.
* Updated error message for missing file requirements.
* Updated OpenROAD scripts to handle multiple LEF files.
* Updated KLayout driver to use batch mode flag and capture more warnings.
* Updated Verilator driver to implement ['option', 'trace], ['option', 'warningoff'], and provide passthroughs for CFLAGS and LDFLAGS.
* Removed support for 'extraopts' passthrough in Verilator driver.
* Updated version of Surelog bundled with wheels distribution.


Not secure


* Schema: Added ['tool', <tool>, 'prescript'/'postscript', <step>, <index>] to support user-supplied pre- and post-scripts for script-based tools.
* Schema: Added ['tool', <tool>, 'file', <step>, <index>] passthrough parameter.
* Added runtime logic to terminate tools that do not exit on their own after a job is interrupted with ctrl-c.
* Fixed KLayout show bugs.
* Fixed issue building SC in editable mode using newer versions of Pip/setuptools.


Not secure


* Changed ``run()`` logic to not reset metrics to zero.

* ``summary()`` will only display metrics that have been explicitly set.


* Schema: Changed ['constraint', <scenario>, 'libcorner'] from scalar to list.
* Added support for --latches option in GHDL driver.
* Added ``:keypath:`` directive to distributed Sphinx extensions.
* Added reports and final manifest to ``archive()`` outputs.
* Fixed bug where ``job`` argument to ``find_files()`` was not handled properly.
* Fixed pin sizes and PDN vias in Caravel wrapper example.
* Updated flow scripts to support newer version of OpenROAD.
* Updated version of Surelog bundled with wheels distribution.


Not secure


* Added basic editing functionality for signoff checklists in HTML report.
* Changed file collection behavior:

* For local runs, inputs are not copied into import/ at all.
* For remote runs, inputs are copied into import/0/inputs/ only, not outputs/.
* Implemented ['option', 'entrypoint'], allowing users to specify an alternative top-level.
* Implemented support for "pure Python" tools.

* A ``run()`` method inside a tool setup file will be run instead of an executable.


* Changed ``run()`` behavior to read metrics from all leaf tasks.
* Fixed implementation of ['option', 'jobincr'].
* Fixed bug causing exception on ``summary()`` for machines with a default encoding other than UTF-8.
* Fixed logfile reading logic to gracefully handle invalid characters.
* Improved error messages for some common issues.


Not secure


* Schema: Added ['option', 'flowcontinue'] to control whether flow continues when a tool reports errors.

* This used to be controlled by ['tool', \<tool\>, 'continue'], but this parameter is meant to feed directly into tools (rather than controlling the SC runtime).
* Schema: Added ['option', 'continue'] parameter to control whether errors in the Python API are fatal.

* The default value makes errors fatal, setting this parameter to True reverts to the old behavior.
* Added VPR-based FPGA bitstream generation flow.
* Added logic to set errors and warnings metrics based on ['tool', \<tool\>, 'regex', ...] matches. This reduces tool driver boilerplate and makes the metrics consistent with the generated regex match files.


* Changed default technology target for ``sc`` app.
* Changed KLayout show script to always use a dark background.
* Changed ``check_manifest()`` to allow tool tasks to have multiple inputs (behaving as if they were merged with a "join" builtin).
* Changed ``check_manifest()`` to return True on success rather than 0 (the previous behavior didn't match the documentation).
* Changed Yosys and OpenROAD tool drivers to make them easier to use in flows with alternate step names.
* Changed GHDL tool driver to allow additional CLI options via ['tool', \<tool\>, 'var', ..., 'extraopts'].
* Removed return codes from ``post_process()``.


Not secure


* Added input filetype inference based on file extension (restores functionality lost in 0.9.0).
* Added manifest tree viewer to HTML report.
* Added simulator exe compilation support to Verilator.
* Improved TCL manifest generation:

* Fixed escaping of special characters and whitespace.
* Fixed insertion of "$env" in filepaths.
* Changed tuple printing to be TCL list instead of tuple-like string.


* Schema: Added tool CLI arguments to ['record', ...] schema.
* Changed create_cmdline() switchlist parameter to accept switch names as specified on command line.
* Changed setup module docs generator to be packaged with SC.
* Changed HTML report to be self-contained.
* Fixed CSV manifest generation.

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