Breaking Changes
- `RemoteDataset.display_name` is deprecated. To change the name of a dataset use the `name` property instead.
- `Dataset.get_remote_datasets()` returns a mapping. The keys of this mapping changed from datasets name to datasets id.
- `Task.create()` needs a `dataset_id` now instead of a `dataset_name`. Alternativly a `RemoteDataset` object can be used. The `dataset_name` is marked as deprecated. As `dataset_name` is an optional argument now its position has changed, this is important if `create()` is called only with positional arguments.
- When uploading an Annotation the organization_id is neccessary now. The organization_id might be stored in the Annotation object or it is inferred from the current webknossos_context. [1155](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1155)
- `Dataset` method `get_remote_datasets()` accepts `name` and `folder_id` as arguments now to filter remote datasets.
- `RemoteDataset` got an additional property: `created`.
- `Annotation` got an additional property: `dataset_id`.
- `Dataset.trigger_dataset_import()` was added to refresh the datastore to register a newly added dataset. [1236](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1236)
- Updated to WEBKNOSSOS API version 9. This includes support for the new url structure for datasets and the usage of `dataset_id`. [1231](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1231)
- Fixed Mag setup for non-public datasets. [1222](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1222)
- Fixed an issue when shallow copying datasets with a remote mag. [1224](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1224)