Breaking Changes
- Changed the interface and behavior of `Annotation`s and `Skeleton`s, as well as nml-parsing related code.
* `webknossos.skeleton.nml` is not exposed anymore. The previous functionality may be found in
`webknossos._nml` and `webknossos/annotation/_nml_conversion.py ` if needed, but please not that
this is not part of the public API and may change at any time. Please use the respective logic on the
`Annotation` class instead.
* The `name` attribute on the `Skeleton` class changed to `dataset_name`.
* The deprecated `Skeleton.offset` attribute is removed.
* The following attributes are removed from the `Skeleton` class, instead they are part of the
`Annotation` class now: `time`, `edit_position`, `edit_rotation`, `zoom_level`, `task_bounding_box`,
* The following `Annotation` methods were renamed and their arguments changed slightly:
- `save_volume_annotation` ➜ `export_volume_layer_to_dataset`
- `temporary_volume_annotation_layer_copy` ➜ `temporary_volume_layer_copy`
- Added new features to the `Annotation` and `Skeleton` classes. [602](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/602)
* The `Skeleton` class has new attributes `description` and `organization_id`.
* The `Annotation` class has new attributes `username` and `annotation_id`, as well as the following
attributes that are proxies for the skeleton attributes: `dataset_name`, `scale`, `organization_id`, `description`
* `Annotation`s can now be initialized from their attributes and an optional skeleton.
* New methods on `Annotation`: `upload`, `add_volume_layer`, `delete_volume_layer`
* `Annotation.load()` and `annoation.save()` also works with `.nml` files.
- Added `MagView.get_views_on_disk()` as a shortcut to turning `get_bounding_boxes_on_disk` into views.
- Fixed the download of skeleton-only annotations. [602](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/602)