Breaking Changes
- Preferring a custom tiff reader over the default PIMS reader to convert tiff files. This change enables the recognition of axis information and the support of tifffiles with more than 3 dimensions. However, it also leads to changed behavior when converting tiff files. Tiffs with axes other than c, x, y, and z, with a shape bigger than 1, are no longer supported for conversion to WKW. Please convert these files to Zarr or Zarr3 Datasets instead. [1043](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1043)
- Added a pixel level heuristic for distinguishing color and segmentation layers when importing image data with the `from_images` or `add_layer_from_images` method. [1007](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1007)
- Added .ims as supported suffix. [1085](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1085)
- Added suffixes supported by bioformats for Zeiss CZI, Leica LOF, Zeiss LSM (laser scanning microscope), Zeiss LSM (Laser Scanning Microscope) 510/710, Leica XLEF and Zeiss AxioVision ZVI (Zeiss Vision Image). [1086](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1086)
- Added suport for setting a default ID mapping for segmentation layers. [1118](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1118)
- Moved functional parts of merge volume annotation CLI to Dataset and Annotation classes. [1055](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1055)
- Set a new max value for test_align_with_mag_against_numpy_implementation to avoid failures due to high numbers. [1082](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1082)
- Updated dependabot.yml [1087](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1087)
- Make lookup for supported suffixes case-insensitive. [1100](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1100)
- Fixed an issue with downloading annotations through the Command Line Interface. [1083](https://github.com/scalableminds/webknossos-libs/pull/1083)