* fix for big endian channels that were not byte aligned
* fix handling of measurement start timestamp
* many fixes related to CAN bus logging measurements
* switch from pyqtgraph docks to mdi windows for sub-plots
* added numeric window to display just the channel values (can handle large channel count)
* channels can be drag & dropped between numeric and plot windows
* save and restore configuration
* restores all plot and numeric windows, with given titles
* restores channel color, enable state, common axis
* restores computed channels
* improved performance for _extract_can_logging_
* refactored _resample_ method
* the _raster_ can now be a channel name or an array
* added RMS and average values in channel statistics
* handle J1939 CAN messages
* improve zomming perforamnce in GUI
* add dark style theme and plot background option
* add ability to add advanced search channels to existing plots and numeric windows
* add _remove_source_from_channel_names_ argument to MDF class
* add _master_using_raster_ utility function
* improve performance for unsorted files
Stand-alone GUI builds
* [Linux](
* [Window](