What's Changed
* Fixed Typo by david32 in https://github.com/danielhrisca/asammdf/pull/755
* convert(): removed sharp clips in string parameter by woodpy in https://github.com/danielhrisca/asammdf/pull/766
* Fix for issue 741. by eblis in https://github.com/danielhrisca/asammdf/pull/772
* Fix for issue 770. Try to convert to float first, and if that fails convert to bytes by eblis in https://github.com/danielhrisca/asammdf/pull/771
* fix for 776 -- case-sensitive matching in MDF.search(mode='wildcard', case_insensitive=True) by timohencken in https://github.com/danielhrisca/asammdf/pull/777
* Development by danielhrisca in https://github.com/danielhrisca/asammdf/pull/782
New Contributors
* woodpy made their first contribution in https://github.com/danielhrisca/asammdf/pull/766
* eblis made their first contribution in https://github.com/danielhrisca/asammdf/pull/772
* timohencken made their first contribution in https://github.com/danielhrisca/asammdf/pull/777
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/danielhrisca/asammdf/compare/7.1.1...7.2.0