* fixes 58
* fixes for VLSD BYTE_ARRAY channels
* enable bus logging handling only for CAN logging
* reset the plain bus event flag as well in case of unsupported bus logging
* improve handling of CAN bus logging (extended CAN id, not utf-8 database files)
* removed _\_\_slots\_\__
* do not expose MDF2, MDF3 and MDF4 classes on _asammdf_ import to encourage the use of MDF class
* the current stable release of _canmatrix_ (0.6.0) has bugs; it is necessary to install the latest development release until a new stable release is published
New features
* added support for CAN bus logging measurements
* avoid TXBLOCK, CCBLOCK and SIBLOCK duplication on save
* new stack method creates a new file with all the channels from the given measurements
* append boolean arrays as single bit channels
* handle measurement start time
* use measurement start time when concatenating files
* added pandas export option
* fix mat export
* fix matlab compatible names in export
* fix KeyError for ALGEBRAIC channel conversion
* fixes issue 45, 50, 54, 55 and 56
* fix mdf 3 errors in merge, concatenate in case of string channels without samples
* fix for Signal interp if the new axis is empty
* fix export in case of bytearray channels
* fix nested structure composition
* fix error in plot method
* use XML parsing for comments
* merge renamed to concatenate
* validate file magic header for MDF files
* do not use splitext in .mat export
* validate memory and version arguments used throughout the code base
* added new kargs to export method
* read and transfer event blocks
* move channel conversion and source in channel
* streamline save methods
* remove code duplication in append method
* use channel and group index for structure composition dependencies