Fixes - fix error in _MDF3_ _save_ method - fix _select_ method to return the signals in the same order as the channels given - fix _get_ method when channel group cycles number is 0
Changes - added _select_ generator method to _MDF_ - added _config_ pacakge level function to handle all _asammdf_ configurations - use data list and split data block when saving (configurable)
Changes - big performance boost for _convert_, _cut_, _export_, _filter_, _merge_ and _iter_to_pandas_ when _load_measured_data=True_
Fixes - fix incomplete implementation of mdf version 4 _DLBLOCK_
Changes - allow compacting of signed integers when appending - use the package function _enable_integer_compacting_ - avoid unnecessary computation for polynomial conversions - add _MLSD_ channel support - improve plotting of maps and update _Signal_ usage example - moved _\_\_version\_\__ to
Fixes - fix errors in HDF5 export - fix error in get for singed integers of nonstandard size - fix mask error for nonstandard integers - fix error in MDF4 get method when channel type was virtual master