
Latest version: v1.9.5

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Not secure
**Breaking Changes**

- The `dagster-celery` module has been broken apart to manage dependencies more coherently. There
are now three modules: `dagster-celery`, `dagster-celery-k8s`, and `dagster-celery-docker`.
- Related to above, the `dagster-celery worker start` command now takes a required `-A` parameter
which must point to the `app.py` file within the appropriate module. E.g if you are using the
`celery_k8s_job_executor` then you must use the `-A dagster_celery_k8s.app` option when using the
`celery` or `dagster-celery` cli tools. Similar for the `celery_docker_executor`:
`-A dagster_celery_docker.app` must be used.
- Renamed the `input_hydration_config` and `output_materialization_config` decorators to
`dagster_type_` and `dagster_type_materializer` respectively. Renamed DagsterType's
`input_hydration_config` and `output_materialization_config` arguments to `loader` and `materializer` respectively.


- New pipeline scoped runs tab in Dagit
- Add the following Dask Job Queue clusters: moab, sge, lsf, slurm, oar (thanks DavidKatz-il!)
- K8s resource-requirements for run coordinator pods can be specified using the `dagster-k8s/ resource_requirements` tag on pipeline definitions:

'dagster-k8s/resource_requirements': {
'requests': {'cpu': '250m', 'memory': '64Mi'},
'limits': {'cpu': '500m', 'memory': '2560Mi'},
def foo_bar_pipeline():

- Added better error messaging in dagit for partition set and schedule configuration errors
- An initial version of the CeleryDockerExecutor was added (thanks mrdrprofuroboros!). The celery
workers will launch tasks in docker containers.
- **Experimental:** Great Expectations integration is currently under development in the new library
dagster-ge. Example usage can be found [here](https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/blob/master/python_modules/libraries/dagster-ge/dagster_ge/examples/ge_demo.py)


Not secure
**Breaking Changes**

- Python 3.5 is no longer under test.
- `Engine` and `ExecutorConfig` have been deleted in favor of `Executor`. Instead of the `executor` decorator decorating a function that returns an `ExecutorConfig` it should now decorate a function that returns an `Executor`.


- The python built-in `dict` can be used as an alias for `Permissive()` within a config schema declaration.
- Use `StringSource` in the `S3ComputeLogManager` configuration schema to support using environment variables in the configuration (Thanks mrdrprofuroboros!)
- Improve Backfill CLI help text
- Add options to spark_df_output_schema (Thanks DavidKatz-il!)
- Helm: Added support for overriding the PostgreSQL image/version used in the init container checks.
- Update celery k8s helm chart to include liveness checks for celery workers and flower
- Support step level retries to celery k8s executor


- Improve error message shown when a RepositoryDefinition returns objects that are not one of the allowed definition types (Thanks sd2k!)
- Show error message when `$DAGSTER_HOME` environment variable is not an absolute path (Thanks AndersonReyes!)
- Update default value for `staging_prefix` in the `DatabricksPySparkStepLauncher` configuration to be an absolute path (Thanks sd2k!)
- Improve error message shown when Databricks logs can't be retrieved (Thanks sd2k!)
- Fix errors in documentation fo `input_hydration_config` (Thanks joeyfreund!)


Not secure

- Reverted changed in 0.8.3 that caused error during run launch in certain circumstances
- Updated partition graphs on schedule page to select most recent run
- Forced reload of partitions for partition sets to ensure not serving stale data


- Added reload button to dagit to reload current repository
- Added option to wipe a single asset key by using `dagster asset wipe <asset_key>`
- Simplified schedule page, removing ticks table, adding tags for last tick attempt
- Better debugging tools for launch errors


Not secure
**Breaking Changes**

- Previously, the `gcs_resource` returned a `GCSResource` wrapper which had a single `client` property that returned a `google.cloud.storage.client.Client`. Now, the `gcs_resource` returns the client directly.

To update solids that use the `gcp_resource`, change:





- Introduced a new Python API `reexecute_pipeline` to reexecute an existing pipeline run.
- Performance improvements in Pipeline Overview and other pages.
- Long metadata entries in the asset details view are now scrollable.
- Added a `project` field to the `gcs_resource` in `dagster_gcp`.
- Added new CLI command `dagster asset wipe` to remove all existing asset keys.


- Several Dagit bugfixes and performance improvements
- Fixes pipeline execution issue with custom run launchers that call `executeRunInProcess`.
- Updates `dagster schedule up` output to be repository location scoped


Not secure

- Fixes issues with `dagster instance migrate`.
- Fixes bug in `launch_scheduled_execution` that would mask configuration errors.
- Fixes bug in dagit where schedule related errors were not shown.
- Fixes JSON-serialization error in `dagster-k8s` when specifying per-step resources.


- Makes `label` optional parameter for materializations with `asset_key` specified.
- Changes `Assets` page to have a typeahead selector and hierarchical views based on asset_key path.
- _dagster-ssh_
- adds SFTP get and put functions to `SSHResource`, replacing sftp_solid.


- Various docs corrections


Not secure

- Fixed a file descriptor leak that caused `OSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files` when enough
temporary files were created.
- Fixed an issue where an empty config in the Playground would unexpectedly be marked as invalid
- Removed "config" deprecation warnings for dask and celery executors.


- Improved performance of the Assets page.

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