**Breaking Changes**
- Removed deprecated `--env` flag from CLI
- The `--host` CLI param has been renamed to `--grpc_host` to avoid conflict with the dagit `--host` param.
- Descriptions for solid inputs and outputs will now be inferred from doc blocks if available (thanks [AndersonReyes](https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/commits?author=AndersonReyes) !)
- Various documentation improvements (thanks [jeriscc](https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/commits?author=jeriscc) !)
- Load inputs from pyspark dataframes (thanks [davidkatz-il](https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/commits?author=davidkatz-il) !)
- Added step-level run history for partitioned schedules on the schedule view
- Added great_expectations integration, through the `dagster_ge` library. Example usage is under a new example, called `ge_example`, and documentation for the library can be found under the libraries section of the api docs.
- `PythonObjectDagsterType` can now take a tuple of types as well as a single type, more closely mirroring `isinstance` and allowing Union types to be represented in Dagster.
- The `configured` API can now be used on all definition types (including `CompositeDefinition`). Example usage has been updated in the [configuration documentation](https://legacy-docs.dagster.io/overview/configuration/configured).
- Updated Helm chart to include auto-generated user code configmap in user code deployment by default
- Databricks now checks intermediate storage instead of system storage
- Fixes a bug where applying hooks on a pipeline with composite solids would flatten the top-level solids. Now applying hooks on pipelines or composite solids means attaching hooks to every single solid instance within the pipeline or the composite solid.
- Fixes the GraphQL playground hosted by dagit
- Fixes a bug where K8s CronJobs were stopped unnecessarily during schedule reconciliation
- New `dagster-k8s/config` tag that lets users pass in custom configuration to the Kubernetes `Job`, `Job` metadata, `JobSpec`, `PodSpec`, and `PodTemplateSpec` metadata.
- This allows users to specify settings like eviction policy annotations and node affinities.
- Example:
tags = {
'dagster-k8s/config': {
'container_config': {
'resources': {
'requests': { 'cpu': '250m', 'memory': '64Mi' },
'limits': { 'cpu': '500m', 'memory': '2560Mi' },
'pod_template_spec_metadata': {
'annotations': { "cluster-autoscaler.kubernetes.io/safe-to-evict": "true"}
'pod_spec_config': {
'affinity': {
'nodeAffinity': {
'requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution': {
'nodeSelectorTerms': [{
'matchExpressions': [{
'key': 'beta.kubernetes.io/os', 'operator': 'In', 'values': ['windows', 'linux'],
def my_solid(context):