**Breaking Changes**
- The `dagit` key is no longer part of the instance configuration schema and must be removed from `dagster.yaml` files before they can be used.
- `-d` can no longer be used as a command-line argument to specify a mode. Use `--mode` instead.
- Use `--preset` instead of `--preset-name` to specify a preset to the `pipeline launch` command.
- We have removed the `config` argument to the `ConfigMapping`, `composite_solid`, `solid`, `SolidDefinition`, `executor`, `ExecutorDefinition`, `logger`, `LoggerDefinition`, `resource`, and `ResourceDefinition` APIs, which we deprecated in 0.8.0. Use `config_schema` instead.
- Python 3.8 is now fully supported.
- `-d` or `--working-directory` can be used to specify a working directory in any command that
takes in a `-f` or `--python_file` argument.
- Removed the deprecation of `create_dagster_pandas_dataframe_type`. This is the currently
supported API for custom pandas data frame type creation.
- Removed gevent dependency from dagster
- New `configured` API for predefining configuration for various definitions: https://legacy-docs.dagster.io/overview/configuration/#configured
- Added hooks to enable success and failure handling policies on pipelines. This enables users to set up policies on all solids within a pipeline or on a per solid basis. Example usage can be found [here](https://legacy-docs.dagster.io/examples/hooks)
- New instance level view of Scheduler and running schedules
- dagster-graphql is now only required in dagit images.