
Latest version: v1.8.7

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- Improved error handling when the intermediate storage stores and retrieves objects.
- New URL scheme in Dagit, with repository details included on all paths for pipelines, solids, and schedules
- Relaxed constraints for the AssetKey constructor, to enable arbitrary strings as part of the key path.
- When executing a subset of a pipeline, configuration that does not apply to the current subset but would be valid in the original pipeline is now allowed and ignored.
- GCSComputeLogManager was added, allowing for compute logs to be persisted to Google cloud storage
- The step-partition matrix in Dagit now auto-reloads runs


- Dagit bugfixes and improvements
- When specifying a namespace during helm install, the same namespace will now be used by the K8sScheduler or K8sRunLauncher, unless overridden.
- `pipeline` decorated functions with -> None typing no longer cause unexpected problems.
- Fixed an issue where compute logs might not always be complete on Windows.


Not secure
**Breaking Changes**

- `CliApiRunLauncher` and `GrpcRunLauncher` have been combined into `DefaultRunLauncher`.
If you had one of these run launchers in your `dagster.yaml`, replace it with `DefaultRunLauncher`
or remove the `run_launcher:` section entirely.


- Added a type loader for typed dictionaries: can now load typed dictionaries from config.


- Dagit bugfixes and improvements
- Added error handling for repository errors on startup and reload
- Repaired timezone offsets
- Fixed pipeline explorer state for empty pipelines
- Fixed Scheduler table
- User-defined k8s config in the pipeline run tags (with key `dagster-k8s/config`) will now be
passed to the k8s jobs when using the `dagster-k8s` and `dagster-celery-k8s` run launchers.
Previously, only user-defined k8s config in the pipeline definition’s tag was passed down.


- Run queuing: the new `QueuedRunCoordinator` enables limiting the number of concurrent runs.
The `DefaultRunCoordinator` launches jobs directly from Dagit, preserving existing behavior.


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- [dagster-dask] Allow connecting to an existing scheduler via its address
- [dagster-aws] Importing dagster_aws.emr no longer transitively importing dagster_spark
- [dagster-dbr] CLI solids now emit materializations

**Community contributions**

- Docs fix (Thanks kaplanbora!)

**Bug fixes**

- `PipelineDefinition` 's that do not meet resource requirements for its types will now fail at definition time
- Dagit bugfixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue where a run could be left hanging if there was a failure during launch


- We now warn if you return anything from a function decorated with `pipeline`. This return value actually had no impact at all and was ignored, but we are making changes that will use that value in the future. By changing your code to not return anything now you will avoid any breaking changes with zero user-visible impact.


Not secure
**Breaking Changes**

- Removed `DagsterKubernetesPodOperator` in `dagster-airflow`.
- Removed the `execute_plan` mutation from `dagster-graphql`.
- `ModeDefinition`, `PartitionSetDefinition`, `PresetDefinition`, `repository`, `pipeline`, and `ScheduleDefinition` names must pass the regular expression `r"^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$"` and not be python keywords or disallowed names. See `DISALLOWED_NAMES` in `dagster.core.definitions.utils` for exhaustive list of illegal names.
- `dagster-slack` is now upgraded to use slackclient 2.x - this means that this resource will only support Python 3.6 and above.
- [K8s] Added a health check to the helm chart for user deployments, which relies on a new `dagster api grpc-health-check` cli command present in Dagster `0.9.16` and later.


- Add helm chart configurations to allow users to configure a `K8sRunLauncher`, in place of the `CeleryK8sRunLauncher`.
- “Copy URL” button to preserve filter state on Run page in dagit

**Community Contributions**

- Dagster CLI options can now be passed in via environment variables (Thanks xinbinhuang!)
- New `--limit` flag on the `dagster run list` command (Thanks haydarai!)


- Addressed performance issues loading the /assets table in dagit. Requires a data migration to create a secondary index by running dagster instance reindex.
- Dagit bugfixes and improvements


Not secure
**Breaking Changes**

- CeleryDockerExecutor no longer requires a repo_location_name config field.
- `executeRunInProcess` was removed from `dagster-graphql`.


- Dagit: Warn on tab removal in playground
- Display versions CLI: Added a new CLI that displays version information for a memoized run. Called via dagster pipeline list_versions.
- CeleryDockerExecutor accepts a network field to configure the network settings for the Docker container it connects to for execution.
- Dagit will now set a statement timeout on supported instance DBs. Defaults to 5s and can be controlled with the --db-statement-timeout flag

**Community Contributions**

- dagster grpc requirements are now more friendly for users (thanks jmo-qap!)
- dagster.utils now has is_str (thanks monicayao!)
- dagster-pandas can now load dataframes from pickle (thanks mrdrprofuroboros!)
- dagster-ge validation solid factory now accepts name (thanks haydarai!)


- Dagit bugfixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue where dagster could fail to load large pipelines.
- Fixed a bug where experimental arg warning would be thrown even when not using versioned dagster type loaders.
- Fixed a bug where CeleryDockerExecutor was failing to execute pipelines unless they used a legacy workspace config.
- Fixed a bug where pipeline runs using IntMetadataEntryData could not be visualized in dagit.


- Improve the output structure of dagster-dbt solids.
- Version-based memoization over outputs stored in the intermediate store now works


- Fix a code snippet rendering issue in Overview: Assets & Materializations
- Fixed all python code snippets alignment across docs examples


Not secure

- Steps down stream of a failed step no longer report skip events and instead simply do not execute.
- dagit-debug can load multiple debug files.
- dagit now has a Debug Console Logging feature flag accessible at /flags .
- Telemetry metrics are now taken when scheduled jobs are executed.
- With memoized reexecution, we now only copy outputs that current plan won't generate
- Document titles throughout dagit

**Community Contributions**

- [dagster-ge] solid factory can now handle arbitrary types (thanks sd2k!)
- [dagster-dask] utility options are now available in loader/materializer for Dask DataFrame (thanks kinghuang!)


- Fixed an issue where run termination would sometimes be ignored or leave the execution process hanging
- [dagster-k8s] fixed issue that would cause timeouts on clusters with many jobs
- Fixed an issue where reconstructable was unusable in an interactive environment, even when the pipeline is defined in a different module.
- Bugfixes and UX improvements in dagit


- AssetMaterializations now have an optional “partition” attribute

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