
Latest version: v1.9.5

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- [dagit] Fixed issue where sensors could not be turned on/off in dagit.
- Fixed a bug with direct op invocation when used with `funcsigs.partial` that would cause incorrect `InvalidInvocationErrors` to be thrown.
- Internal code no longer triggers deprecation warnings for all runs.


Not secure

- Dagster now supports non-standard vixie-style cron strings, like `hourly`, `daily`, `weekly`, and `monthly` in addition to the standard 5-field cron strings (e.g. `* * * * *`).
- `value` is now an alias argument of `entry_data` (deprecated) for the `MetadataEntry` constructor.
- Typed metadata can now be attached to `SourceAssets` and is rendered in `dagit`.
- When a step fails to upload its compute log to Dagster, it will now add an event to the event log with the stack trace of the error instead of only logging the error to the process output.
- [dagit] Made a number of improvements to the Schedule/Sensor pages in Dagit, including showing a paginated table of tick information, showing historical cursor state, and adding the ability to set a cursor from Dagit. Previously, we only showed tick information on the timeline view and cursors could only be set using the `dagster` CLI.
- [dagit] When materializing assets, Dagit presents a link to the run rather than jumping to it, and the status of the materialization (pending, running, failed) is shown on nodes in the asset graph.
- [dagit] Dagit now shows sensor and schedule information at the top of asset pages based on the jobs in which the asset appears.
- [dagit] Dagit now performs "middle truncation" on gantt chart steps and graph nodes, making it much easier to differentiate long assets and ops.
- [dagit] Dagit no longer refreshes data when tabs are in the background, lowering browser CPU usage.
- `dagster-k8s`, `dagster-celery-k8s`, and `dagster-docker` now name step workers `dagster-step-...` rather than `dagster-job-...`.
- [dagit] The launchpad is significantly more responsive when you're working with very large partition sets.
- [dagit] We now show an informative message on the Asset catalog table when there are no matching assets to display. Previously, we would show a blank white space.
- [dagit] Running Dagit without a backfill daemon no longer generates a warning unless queued backfills are present. Similarly, a missing sensor or schedule daemon only yields a warning if sensors or schedules are turned on.
- [dagit] On the instance summary page, hovering over a recent run’s status dot shows a more helpful tooltip.
- [dagster-k8s] Improved performance of the `k8s_job_executor` for runs with many user logs
- [dagster-k8s] When using the `dagster-k8s/config` tag to configure Dagster Kubernetes pods, the tags can now accept any valid Kubernetes config, and can be written in either snake case (`node_selector_terms`) or camel case (`nodeSelectorTerms`). See [the docs](https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/kubernetes/customizing-your-deployment) for more information.
- [dagster-aws] You can now [set secrets on the `EcsRunLauncher` using the same syntax](https://legacy-versioned-docs.dagster.dagster-docs.io/0.14.4/deployment/guides/aws#secrets-management-in-ecs) that you use to set secrets in the ECS API.
- [dagster-aws] The `EcsRunLauncher` now attempts to reuse task definitions instead of registering a new task definition for every run.
- [dagster-aws] The `EcsRunLauncher` now raises the underlying ECS API failure if it cannot successfully start a task.

Software-Defined Assets

- When loading assets from modules using `AssetGroup.from_package_name` and similar methods, lists of assets at module scope are now loaded.
- Added the static methods `AssetGroup.from_modules` and `AssetGroup.from_current_module`, which automatically load assets at module scope from particular modules.
- Software-defined assets jobs can now load partitioned assets that are defined outside the job.
- `AssetGraph.from_modules` now correctly raises an error if multiple assets with the same key are detected.
- The `InputContext` object provided to `IOManager.load_input` previously did not include resource config. Now it does.
- Previously, if an assets job had a partitioned asset as well as a non-partitioned asset that depended on another non-partitioned asset, it would fail to run. Now it runs without issue.
- [dagit] The asset "View Upstream Graph" links no longer select the current asset, making it easier to click "Materialize All".
- [dagit] The asset page's "partition health bar" highlights missing partitions better in large partition sets.
- [dagit] The asset "Materialize Partitions" modal now presents an error when partition config or tags cannot be generated.
- [dagit] The right sidebar of the global asset graph no longer defaults to 0% wide in fresh / incognito browser windows, which made it difficult to click nodes in the global graph.
- [dagit] In the asset catalog, the search bar now matches substrings so it's easier to find assets with long path prefixes.
- [dagit] Dagit no longer displays duplicate downstream dependencies on the Asset Details page in some scenarios.
- [dagster-fivetran] Assets created using `build_fivetran_assets` will now be properly tagged with a `fivetran` pill in Dagit.


- Fixed issue causing step launchers to fail in many scenarios involving re-execution or dynamic execution.
- Previously, incorrect selections (generally, step selections) could be generated for strings of the form `++item`. This has been fixed.
- Fixed an issue where run status sensors sometimes logged the wrong status to the event log if the run moved into a different status while the sensor was running.
- Fixed an issue where daily schedules sometimes produced an incorrect partition name on spring Daylight Savings time boundaries.
- [dagit] Certain workspace or repo-scoped pages relied on versions of the `SQLAlchemy` package to be `1.4` or greater to be installed. We are now using queries supported by `SQLAlchemy>=1.3`. Previously we would raise an error including the message: `'Select' object has no attribute 'filter'`.
- [dagit] Certain workspace or repo-scoped pages relied on versions of `sqlite` to be `3.25.0` or greater to be installed. This has been relaxed to support older versions of sqlite. This was previously marked as fixed in our `0.14.0` notes, but a handful of cases that were still broken have now been fixed. Previously we would raise an error (`sqlite3.OperationalError`).
- [dagit] When changing presets / partitions in the launchpad, Dagit preserves user-entered tags and replaces only the tags inherited from the previous base.
- [dagit] Dagit no longer hangs when rendering the run gantt chart for certain graph structures.
- [dagster-airbyte] Fixed issues that could cause failures when generating asset materializations from an Airbyte API response.
- [dagster-aws] 0.14.3 removed the ability for the `EcsRunLauncher` to use sidecars without you providing your own custom task definition. Now, you can continue to inherit sidecars from the launching task’s task definition by setting `include_sidecars: True` in your run launcher config.

Breaking Changes

- `dagster-snowflake` has dropped support for python 3.6. The library it is currently built on, `snowflake-connector-python,` dropped 3.6 support in their recent `2.7.5` release.

Community Contributions

- `MetadataValue.path()` and `PathMetadataValue` now accept [`os.PathLike`](https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.html#os.PathLike) objects in addition to strings. Thanks[abkfenris](https://github.com/abkfenris)!
- [dagster-k8s] Fixed configuration of `env_vars` on the `k8s_job_executor`. Thanks [kervel](https://github.com/kervel)!
- Typo fix on the Create a New Project page. Thanks [frcode](https://github.com/frcode)!


- Concepts sections added for Op Retries and Dynamic Graphs
- The Hacker News Assets demo now uses `AssetGroup` instead of `build_assets_job`, and it can now be run entirely from a local machine with no additional infrastructure (storing data inside DuckDB).
- The Software-Defined Assets guide in the docs now uses `AssetGroup` instead of `build_assets_job`.


Not secure

- When using an executor that runs each op in its own process, exceptions in the Dagster system code that result in the op process failing will now be surfaced in the event log.
- Introduced new SecretsManager resources to the dagster-aws package to enable loading secrets into Jobs more easily. For more information, see[the documentation](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-aws#secretsmanager).
- Daemon heartbeats are now processed in a batch request to the database.
- Job definitions now contain a method called `run_request_for_partition`, which returns a `RunRequest` that can be returned in a sensor or schedule evaluation function to launch a run for a particular partition for that job. See [our documentation](https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/partitions-schedules-sensors/partitions#creating-schedules-from-partitioned-jobs) for more information.
- Renamed the filter class from `PipelineRunsFilter` => `RunsFilter`.
- Assets can now be directly invoked for unit testing.
- [dagster-dbt] `load_assets_from_dbt_project` will now attach schema information to the generated assets if it is available in the dbt project (`schema.yml`).
- [examples] Added an [example](https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/tree/master/examples/modern_data_stack_assets) that demonstrates using Software Defined Assets with Airbyte, dbt, and custom Python.
- The default io manager used in the `AssetGroup` api is now the `fs_asset_io_manager`.
- It's now possible to build a job where partitioned assets depend on partitioned assets that are maintained outside the job, and for those upstream partitions to show up on the context in the op and IOManager load_input function.
- `SourceAsset`s can now be partitioned, by setting the `partitions_def` argument.


- Fixed an issue where run status sensors would sometimes fire multiple times for the same run if the sensor function raised an error.
- [ECS] Previously, setting cpu/memory tags on a job would override the ECS task’s cpu/memory, but not individual containers. If you were using a custom task definition that explicitly sets a container’s cpu/memory, the container would not resize even if you resized the task. Now, setting cpu/memory tags on a job overrides both the ECS task’s cpu/memory and the container's cpu/memory.
- [ECS] Previously, if the EcsRunLauncher launched a run from a task with multiple containers - for example if both dagit and daemon were running in the same task - then the run would be launched with too many containers. Now, the EcsRunLauncher only launches tasks with a single container.
- Fixed an issue where the run status of job invoked through `execute_in_process` was not updated properly.
- Fixed some storage queries that were incompatible with versions of `SQLAlchemy<1.4.0`.
- [dagster-dbt] Fixed issue where `load_assets_from_dbt_project` would fail if models were organized into subdirectories.
- [dagster-dbt] Fixed issue where `load_assets_from_dbt_project` would fail if seeds or snapshots were present in the project.

Community Contributions

- [dagster-fivetran] A new fivetran_resync_op (along with a corresponding resync_and_poll method on the fivetran_resource) allows you to kick off Fivetran resyncs using Dagster (thanks [dwallace0723](https://github.com/dwallace0723)!)
- [dagster-shell] Fixed an issue where large log output could cause operations to hang (thanks [kbd](https://github.com/kbd)!)

- [documentation] Fixed export message with dagster home path (thanks [proteusiq](https://github.com/Proteusiq))!
- [documentation] Remove duplicate entries under integrations (thanks [kahnwong](https://github.com/kahnwong))!


- Added a small toggle to the right of each graph on the asset details page, allowing them to be toggled on and off.
- Full asset paths are now displayed on the asset details page.


- Added API doc entries for `validate_run_config`.
- Fixed the example code for the `reexecute_pipeline` API.
- `TableRecord`, `TableSchema` and its constituents are now documented in the API docs.
- Docs now correctly use new metadata names `MetadataEntry` and `MetadataValue` instead of old ones.


Not secure

- Run status sensors can now be invoked in unit tests. Added `build_run_status_sensor_context` to help build context objects for run status sensors


- An issue preventing the use of `default_value` on inputs has been resolved. Previously, a defensive error that did not take `default_value` in to account was thrown.
- [dagster-aws] Fixed issue where re-emitting log records from the pyspark_step_launcher would occasionally cause a failure.
- [dagit] The asset catalog now displays entries for materialized assets when only a subset of repositories were selected. Previously, it only showed the software-defined assets unless all repositories were selected in Dagit.

Community Contributions

- Fixed an invariant check in the databricks step launcher that was causing failures when setting the `local_dagster_job_package_path` config option (Thanks Iswariya Manivannan!)


- Fixed the example code in the `reconstructable` API docs.


Not secure

- [dagit] The sensor tick timeline now shows cursor values in the tick tooltip if they exist.


- Pinned dependency on `markupsafe` to function with existing `Jinja2` pin.
- Sensors that have a default status can now be manually started. Previously, this would fail with an invariant exception.


Not secure
Major Changes

- Software-defined assets, which offer a declarative approach to data orchestration on top of Dagster’s core job/op/graph APIs, have matured significantly. Improvements include partitioned assets, a revamped asset details page in Dagit, a cross-repository asset graph view in Dagit, Dagster types on assets, structured metadata on assets, and the ability to materialize ad-hoc selections of assets without defining jobs. Users can expect the APIs to only undergo minor changes before being declared fully stable in Dagster’s next major release. For more information, view the software-defined assets concepts page [here](https://docs.dagster.io/concepts/assets/software-defined-assets).
- We’ve made it easier to define a set of [software-defined assets](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-dbt#assets) where each Dagster asset maps to a dbt model. All of the dependency information between the dbt models will be reflected in the Dagster asset graph, while still running your dbt project in a single step.
- Dagit has a new homepage, dubbed the “factory floor” view, that provides an overview of recent runs of all the jobs. From it, you can monitor the status of each job’s latest run or quickly re-execute a job. The new timeline view reports the status of all recent runs in a convenient gantt chart.
- You can now write schedules and sensors that default to running as soon as they are loaded in your workspace, without needing to be started manually in Dagit. For example, you can create a sensor like this:

from dagster import sensor, DefaultSensorStatus

sensor(job=my_job, default_status=DefaultSensorStatus.RUNNING)
def my_running_sensor():

or a schedule like this:

from dagster import schedule, DefaultScheduleStatus, ScheduleEvaluationContext

schedule(job=my_job, cron_schedule="0 0 * * *", default_status=DefaultScheduleStatus.RUNNING)
def my_running_schedule(context: ScheduleEvaluationContext):

As soon as schedules or sensors with the default_status field set to `RUNNING` are included in the workspace loaded by your Dagster Daemon, they will begin creating ticks and submitting runs.

- Op selection now supports selecting ops inside subgraphs. For example, to select an op my_op inside a subgraph my_graph, you can now specify the query as `my_graph.my_op`. This is supported in both Dagit and Python APIs.
- Dagster Types can now have attached metadata. This allows TableSchema objects to be attached to Dagster Types via TableSchemaMetadata. A Dagster Type with a TableSchema will have the schema rendered in Dagit.
- A new [Pandera](https://pandera.readthedocs.io/) integration (dagster-pandera) allows you to use Pandera’s dataframe validation library to wrap dataframe schemas in Dagster types. This provides two main benefits: (1) Pandera’s rich schema validation can be used for runtime data validation of Pandas dataframes in Dagster ops/assets; (2) Pandera schema information is displayed in Dagit using a new TableSchema API for representing arbitrary table schemas.
- The new [AssetObservation event](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/solids#event-types) enables recording metadata about an asset without indicating that the asset has been updated.
- `AssetMaterializations`, `ExpectationResults`, and `AssetObservations` can be logged via the context of an op using the [OpExecutionContext.log_event](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/execution#dagster.OpExecutionContext.log_event) method. Output metadata can also be logged using the [OpExecutionContext.add_output_metadata](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/execution#dagster.OpExecutionContext.add_output_metadata) method. Previously, Dagster expected these events to be yielded within the body of an op, which caused lint errors for many users, made it difficult to add mypy types to ops, and also forced usage of the verbose Output API. Here’s an example of the new invocations:

from dagster import op, AssetMaterialization

def the_op(context):
context.add_output_metadata({"foo": "bar"})

- A new Airbyte integration [(dagster-airbyte)](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-airbyte#airbyte-dagster-airbyte) allows you to kick off and monitor [Airbyte](https://airbyte.com/) syncs from within Dagster. The original contribution from airbytehq’s own marcosmarxm includes a [resource implementation](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-airbyte#resources) as well as a [pre-built op](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-airbyte#ops) for this purpose, and we’ve extended this library to support [software-defined asset](https://docs.dagster.io/_apidocs/libraries/dagster-airbyte#assets) use cases as well. Regardless of which interface you use, Dagster will automatically capture the Airbyte log output (in the compute logs for the relevant steps) and track the created tables over time (via AssetMaterializations).
- The [ECSRunLauncher](https://docs.dagster.io/deployment/guides/ecs) (introduced in Dagster 0.11.15) is no longer considered experimental. You can bootstrap your own Dagster deployment on ECS using our [docker compose example](https://github.com/dagster-io/dagster/tree/master/examples/deploy_ecs) or you can use it in conjunction with a [managed Dagster Cloud deployment](https://docs.dagster.cloud/agents/ecs/setup). Since its introduction, we’ve added the ability to customize Fargate container memory and CPU, mount secrets from AWS SecretsManager, and run with a variety of AWS networking configurations. Join us in [#dagster-ecs](https://dagster.slack.com/archives/C014UDS8LAV) in Slack!
- [Helm] The default liveness and startup probes for Dagit and user deployments have been replaced with readiness probes. The liveness and startup probe for the Daemon has been removed. We observed and heard from users that under load, Dagit could fail the liveness probe which would result in the pod restarting. With the new readiness probe, the pod will not restart but will stop serving new traffic until it recovers. If you experience issues with any of the probe changes, you can revert to the old behavior by specifying liveness and startup probes in your Helm values (and reach out via an issue or Slack).

Breaking Changes and Deprecations

- The Dagster Daemon now uses the same workspace.yaml file as Dagit to locate your Dagster code. You should ensure that if you make any changes to your workspace.yaml file, they are included in both Dagit’s copy and the Dagster Daemon’s copy. When you make changes to the workspace.yaml file, you don’t need to restart either Dagit or the Dagster Daemon - in Dagit, you can reload the workspace from the Workspace tab, and the Dagster Daemon will periodically check the workspace.yaml file for changes every 60 seconds. If you are using the Dagster Helm chart, no changes are required to include the workspace in the Dagster Daemon.
- Dagster’s metadata API has undergone a signficant overhaul. Changes include:
- To reflect the fact that metadata can be specified on definitions in addition to events, the following names are changing. The old names are deprecated, and will function as aliases for the new names until 0.15.0:
- `EventMetadata` > `MetadataValue`
- `EventMetadataEntry` > `MetadataEntry`
- `XMetadataEntryData` > `XMetadataValue` (e.g. `TextMetadataEntryData` > `TextMetadataValue`)
- The `metadata_entries` keyword argument to events and Dagster types is deprecated. Instead, users should use the metadata keyword argument, which takes a dictionary mapping string labels to `MetadataValue`s.
- Arbitrary metadata on In/InputDefinition and Out/OutputDefinition is deprecated. In 0.15.0, metadata passed for these classes will need to be resolvable to MetadataValue (i.e. function like metadata everywhere else in Dagster).
- The description attribute of `EventMetadataEntry` is deprecated.
- The static API of `EventMetadataEntry` (e.g. `EventMetadataEntry.text`) is deprecated. In 0.15.0, users should avoid constructing `EventMetadataEntry` objects directly, instead utilizing the metadata dictionary keyword argument, which maps string labels to `MetadataValues`.
- In previous releases, it was possible to supply either an AssetKey, or a function that produced an AssetKey from an OutputContext as the asset_key argument to an Out/OutputDefinition. The latter behavior makes it impossible to gain information about these relationships without running a job, and has been deprecated. However, we still support supplying a static AssetKey as an argument.
- We have renamed many of the core APIs that interact with ScheduleStorage, which keeps track of sensor/schedule state and ticks. The old term for the generic schedule/sensor “job” has been replaced by the term “instigator” in order to avoid confusion with the execution API introduced in 0.12.0. If you have implemented your own schedule storage, you may need to change your method signatures appropriately.
- Dagit is now powered by Starlette instead of Flask. If you have implemented a custom run coordinator, you may need to make the following change:

from flask import has_request_context, request

def submit_run(self, context: SubmitRunContext) -> PipelineRun:
jwt_claims_header = (
request.headers.get("X-Amzn-Oidc-Data", None) if has_request_context() else None

Should be replaced by:

def submit_run(self, context: SubmitRunContext) -> PipelineRun:
jwt_claims_header = context.get_request_header("X-Amzn-Oidc-Data")

- Dagit
- Dagit no longer allows non-software-defined asset materializations to be be graphed or grouped by partition. This feature could render in incorrect / incomplete ways because no partition space was defined for the asset.
- Dagit’s “Jobs” sidebar now collapses by default on Instance, Job, and Asset pages. To show the left sidebar, click the “hamburger” icon in the upper left.
- “Step Execution Time” is no longer graphed on the asset details page in Dagit, which significantly improves page load time. To view this graph, go to the asset graph for the job, uncheck “View as Asset Graph” and click the step to view its details.
- The “experimental asset UI” feature flag has been removed from Dagit, this feature is shipped in 0.14.0!
- The Dagster Daemon now requires a workspace.yaml file, much like Dagit.
- Ellipsis (“...”) is now an invalid substring of a partition key. This is because Dagit accepts an ellipsis to specify partition ranges.
- [Helm] The Dagster Helm chart now only supported Kubernetes clusters above version 1.18.

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