
Latest version: v2.5.5

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This release brings few minor improvements and bug fixes.

- the charm mass scheme uncertainty is now taken into account in the error estimate of B->Vgamma decays
- several new experimental measurements added

Bugs fixed:
- the sign of the lifetime correction to Bs->phigamma has been corrected (note this is a tiny effect in the SM)
- a bug that affected the computation of likelihoods needed for parameter fits (see d07f7c481b25c16fec223f5d8df4aa0bec72a601)


This is a maintenance release fixing several bugs:
- Several (numerically small) fixes to QCDF corrections in B->Vll decays. Thanks to shulixiaoquan for spotting one of them.
- The plot function `flavio.plots.band_plot` had a missing factor of 2 in the confidence level, so the resulting constraints had been to loose. Thanks to Tom Blake (tblake00) for pointing that out.

There have also been a few minor improvements:
- A faster integration routine and more memoization should speed up prediction of some q²-binned observables by about a factor of 2
- Power corrections to weak annihilation in B->Vll from QCDF have been added.

Finally, the plot function `flavio.plots.smooth_density_histogram` has been renamed to `flavio.plots.smooth_histogram`.


**New processes:**
- Leptonic kaon and pion decays K->lnu and pi->lnu
- Semi-leptonic kaon decays K->pilnu (also known as Kl3 decays)
- Mass-eigenstate rate asymmetry in Bs->phigamma

Special thanks to Jorge Martin Camalich and Martín González-Alonso for help on the kaon decays (see [their recent paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/1605.07114))

**Parametric changes:**
- Meson decay constants, some CKM elements, and the SM kaon bag parameter have been updated to the new [lattice averages by FLAG](https://arxiv.org/abs/1607.00299)
- Small changes in parameters for subleading corrections in B->Vll at low q^2

**Other important changes**
- The sign convention for `S_psiphi` has been flipped to better match the theory literature. Note that with the new convention, the sign of `S_psiphi` is _opposite_ to the sign of phi_s as defined by LHCb experiments. Thanks to Joel Jones-Pérez for noticing this.
- The interface to Flavor Kit has been adapted to match changes in SARAH 4.9.0 released on 2016-07-13. Please to not use flavio 0.10.0+ with older versions of SARAH/Flavor Kit.
- The interface to Flavor Kit now also includes b->snunu operators.

Special thanks to Joel Jones-Pérez, Avelino Vicente, and Florian Staub for improving this interface. More improvements are to come soon.


This release adds a few new processes and fixes several bugs.

**New processes:**
- Time-integrated branching ratio, mixing-induced CP asymmetry, and direct CP asymmetry of the rare radiative Bs->phigamma decay (`BR(Bs->phigamma)`, `S_phigamma`, `ACP(Bs->phigamma)`) (Thanks to Ayan Paul for collaboration)
- Branching ratios of the leptonic charged-current decays B->lnu (`BR(B+>enu)`, `BR(B+>munu)`, `BR(B+>taunu)`)
- The observable `ATIm` in B->Vll decays

**New features:**
- [A function](https://flav-io.github.io/apidoc/flavio/parameters.m.html#flavio.parameters.read_file_values_correlated) to read in custom parameter files with correlated parameters
- [A function](https://flav-io.github.io/apidoc/flavio/io/flha.m.html#flavio.io.flha.read_ckm) to read the values of CKM parameters from an SLHA or FLHA file (thanks to Joel Jones-Perez for the suggestion)

**Bug fixes**
- The total uncertainties of experimental measurements with multiple uncertainties had been combined incorrectly
- The mixing-induced CP asmmyetry in B->K*gamma was not correct in the presence of imaginary contributions to C7'
- There was an error in the lepton flavour violating B->ll' decays


This release fixes a bug that raised an error on import on Python 3.4 (thanks to Joel Jones-Perez for pointing that out!)


In this release, the following new processes have been added:
- Branching ratios of the **inclusive radiative decays** B->X(d,s)gamma. Thanks to Mikołaj Misiak for discussions and numerical results needed to implement the NNLO SM contributions ([1503.01789](https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.01789) and references therein)! See the comments on [implementation details](http://flav-io.github.io/docs/physics.html#bto-xqgamma).
- More **lepton flavour violating** decays:
- B->Kll' and B->pill' (using [1506.03970](https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.03970))
- B->ll' (using [1602.00881](https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.00881))

Furthermore the **meson bag parameters** have been updated to v2 of [1602.03560](https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.03560) - this is a significant change compared to v1 used previously!

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