Minor fix: pip installation now automatically upgrades scipy to version 0.14 if necessary. Dependence on scipy 0.15 removed. Thanks to Peter Stangl!
New feature: - included decays with two neutrinos in the final state (in particular B->K(*)nunu), including the case of two differently flavoured neutrinos that is not allowed in the SM but in several NP models. Special thanks to Joachim Brod for discussions.
Bugfix release: - Bugs in implementation of `S_K*gamma` fixed. Thanks Ayan Paul for pointing them out!
Bugix relase: - fixed two bugs in setup.py that broke `pip` installation. Thanks Wolfgang Altmannshofer! - `flavio.plots` is not imported automatically anymore. This is to prevent errors for users without `matplotlib` installed.
New features: - Interface to `FlavorKit`
Bugs fixed: - a bug in the SM contribution to the DeltaF=2 Wilson coefficients
For details, read the [blog post](http://flav-io.github.io/2015/03/04/flavio-02-including-flavorkit-interface.html).