
Latest version: v2.5.5

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(Version number skipped - forgot to increment `_version.py`)


This is a major new release.

**New physics features:**
- The B->V form factors now use the updated numerics of version 2 of [arXiv:1503.05534](https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.05534). (Thanks in particular to Roman Zwicky.)
- subleading hadronic uncertainties are now included in B->K\* gamma decays consistently with B->K*ll (thanks to Ayan Paul for discussions)

**New processes:**
- B0->omega l nu

**New code features:**
- New function `flavio.sm_covariance` to get the theoretical covariance matrix (squared errors and correlations) within the Standard Model of a list of observables

**Bugs fixed:**
- A missing factor of 1/2 in B0->rho0nunu and B0->pi0nunu added

For a full list of changes, have a look at the [commit log](https://github.com/flav-io/flavio/commits/master).


In this new release, branching ratios and angular observables of the decays B_s->phi l l have been added. The implementation takes into account the sizable width difference between the two B_s mass eigenstates. The observables correspond to the time-averaged ones measured at hadron colliders like the LHC.

The B_s->phi form factors are based on [arXiv:1503.05534](https://arxiv.org/abs/1503.05534), the mixing formalism on [arXiv:1502.05509](https://arxiv.org/abs/1502.05509). Thanks to Javier Virto for discussions and cross-checks!


This release adds a number of functions to perform Bayesian fits of parameters and/or Wilson coefficients to experimental data. This functionality is to be considered experimental and still has to be added to the documentation.

Furthermore, the alternative observables P_1,2,3 in B->Vll decays have been added.


New feature:
- Added charged and neutral K->pinunu decays. Thanks to Joachim Brod and Martin Gorbahn for discussions!


Minor fix: pip installation now automatically upgrades scipy to version 0.14 if necessary. Dependence on scipy 0.15 removed. Thanks to Peter Stangl!

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