New observables
- A large number of observables (decay widths and angular observables) of the decay Λ<sub>b</sub>→Λ(1520)ll has been added, including two different form factor implementations (thanks to Felicia56)
- The `LHCb B->ee 2020` measurement has been implemented using the Gaussian uncertainties provided in the LHCb paper instead of upper bounds, which allows it to be used in a `FastLikelihood` (thanks to alekssmolkovic)
Bug fixes
- In the computation of epsilon_K, an issue with the renormalization scales of quark masses has been resolved (thanks to MJKirk)
- An issue with labels in contour plots when using a `matplotlib` version >= 3.5.0 has been fixed (thanks to MJKirk)
- The complex phase in the CKM dependence of the K→πνν amplitude has been fixed
- Deprications in numpy that expired in numpy 1.23 and 1.24 have been fixed